tencent cloud


SMS templates

Last updated: 2023-12-22 11:42:07


    By default, Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) provides each tenant with a free SMS quota of 50 SMS messages. After a tenant exceeds the free quota, the platform will stop sending SMS messages for the tenant, including console test SMS messages and the OTP SMS messages of authentication sources for portal login. To ensure the normal use of services, administrators need to configure SMS templates to provide SMS services for platform services.

    Configuring SMS templates

    1. Log in to the CIAM console and select Custom settings -> Template settings -> SMS message template in the left navigation pane.
    2. On the SMS message template tab, click Edit in the upper right corner.
    3. On the edit page, configure the parameters for SMS service configuration and verification code SMS, and then click OK.
    Different SMS service configurations require different parameters. The platform currently only supports Tencent Cloud SMS and will allow users to configure other SMS services in the future. The following parameters are required to configure Tencent Cloud SMS.

    Configuring Tencent Cloud SMS

    Getting the SDK AppID

    1. Log in to the SMS console and select Application Management -> Application List in the left navigation pane.
    2. On the Application List page, click Create Application, configure the application name, application intro, and tags, and then click Create.
    3. On the Application List page, select the desired application and click
    to copy the SDK AppID of the application.

    Getting the SecretId and SecretKey

    1. Log in to the Cloud Access Management console and select Users -> User List in the left navigation pane.
    2. On the User List page, select the desired sub-account and click the username to go to the User Details page.
    3. On the User Details page, click API Key, select the desired key, and then click
    to copy the SecretId of the sub-account. Click Show and verify your identity to view the SecretKey of the sub-account.

    Configuring SMS templates

    To configure SMS templates, you need to obtain the SMS signature and template ID required to send an SMS message in the following ways:

    Getting the SMS signature

    1. Log in to the SMS console and select Global SMS -> Signatures in the left navigation pane.
    2. On the Signatures page, click Create Signature, fill in the parameters, and then click OK.
    3. Upon approval, you can view the SMS signature on the Signatures page.

    Getting the template ID

    1. Log in to the SMS console and select Global SMS -> Body Templates in the left navigation pane.
    2. On the Body Templates page, click Create Body Template, fill in the parameters, and then click OK.
    3. Upon approval, you can view the template ID on the Body Templates page.
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