tencent cloud


Creating Services

最終更新日:2023-12-22 09:46:03


    To implement a feature, we usually need to use a group of APIs. In API Gateway, you can add related APIs to a service for easy and efficient management.


    1. Log in to the API Gateway console.
    2. Click Service on the left sidebar.
    3. Under the current region, click Create at the top-left corner to create a service.
    Up to 50 services per region.
    ‍If the current region is not the one you need, switch the region first. Note that the following regions do not support public IP access: East China (Shanghai Finance
    4. Enter the service name and description, and select a frontend type.
    Fontend type: The supported protocol. It supports HTTP and HTTPS.
    Access type: Public network access, private network VPC access, or both can be selected. API Gateway will generate different domain names accordingly. It's only available to beta users. Access scope of a private network VPC domain name: CVM instances in VPCs in the same region as the service. Private network VPC access is in now. To try it out, contact your sales rep or submit a ticket.
    The service name can contain up to 50 characters ([a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], and [_]).
    5. Click Submit to complete the creation.
    6. You can click the service name to enter the service details page and create APIs.
    For more information, please see API Creation Overview.




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