tencent cloud


Signature generation instructions

最終更新日:2023-12-22 10:09:37


    If you select key pair authentication when creating an API, the service where the API resides needs to be published, the release environment needs to be bound to a usage plan, and the usage plan needs to be bound to a key pair. Then, the corresponding key pair will be used to generate signing information to authenticate API access requests.
    For a query that contains Chinese characters and spaces, the request body should URL-encode the value with UTF-8.
    When a signature is calculated through parameters, the value before encoding should be signed. URL-encoded strings cannot be signed. Please URL-encode the query and body values after signing.

    Client Error Codes

    Error Code
    Status Code
    HMAC signature cannot be verified, a validate authorization header is required
    The request did not carry the Authorization field.
    Please construct this field as instructed in the signature demo for the applicable programming language.
    authorization headers is invalidate
    The format of the Authorization field in the request is incorrect.
    Please construct this field as instructed in the signature demo for the applicable programming language.
    id or signature missing
    The ID or signature field is missing in the Authorization field of the request.
    Please construct this field as instructed in the signature demo for the applicable programming language.
    HMAC signature cannot be verified, a valid $header header is required
    The headers field in the Authorization field of the request cannot be found in the request header.
    Please construct this field as instructed in the signature demo for the applicable programming language.
    HMAC signature cannot be verified, a valid date header is required
    The Authorization of the request must use the date field as one of the authentication fields.
    Please construct this field as instructed in the signature demo for the applicable programming language.
    Found no validate usage plan
    Request authentication failed, because the API needs authentication, but the API is not bound to a usage plan.
    Please disable API authentication or bind a usage plan to the release environment of the API and bind the key pair to the usage plan.
    HMAC signature cannot be verified
    Request authentication failed, because the Key ID in the Authorization field is not bound to the release environment of the API, the Key ID is invalid, or the Key is disabled.
    Please check whether the key pair is available and bound to the corresponding usage plan/release environment.
    HMAC signature does not match
    Request authentication failed, because the calculated HMAC value does not match. Please check and calculate again.
    The calculated HMAC value is incorrect. Please construct this field as instructed in the signature demo for the applicable programming language.
    Not Found Host
    The request does not have the Host field.
    The request should have the host field, whose value should be the server's domain name in string type.
    Get Host Fail
    The value of the host field in the request is not in string type.
    Please change the value of the Host field to string type.
    Could not support method
    The request method type is not supported.
    Please check whether the request method is valid.
    There is no api match host[$host]
    Request server domain name/address not found.
    Please check whether the request address is correct.
    There is no api match env_mapping[$env_mapping]
    The env_mapping field after the custom domain name is incorrect.
    Please check whether the env_mapping configured for the bound custom domain name is the same as the one you entered.
    There is no api match default env_mapping[$env_mapping]
    The value of the env_mapping field after the default domain name should be test/prepub/release.
    The value of the env_mapping field after the default domain name should be test/prepub/release.
    There is no api match uri[$uri]
    The API that matches the URI is not found in the service corresponding to the request address.
    Please check whether the entered URI is correct.
    There is no api match method[$method]
    The API corresponding to the request address plus URI does not support the request method.
    Please check whether the request method is correct.
    "Not allow use HTTPS protocol or Not allow use HTTP protocol"
    The service corresponding to the requested address does not support the HTTP protocol type.
    Please check whether the request protocol type is correct.
    req is cross origin, api $uri need open cors flag on qcloud apigateway.
    This is a cross-origin request, but the corresponding API has not enabled cross-origin access.
    Please enable cross-origin access for the API.




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