tencent cloud


Instance Parameter Configuration

最終更新日:2024-01-24 17:10:10

    Operation scenarios

    This guide instructs you on how to specifically configure parameters for a dedicated Tencent Cloud API Gateway(apigateway) instance.


    You have created a dedicated instance.
    In the instance list, click the instance ID to enter the instance detail page and switch to Parameters.
    The shared version does not support the above adjustments. If necessary, please switch to the dedicated version. See Instance Specification.

    Configure Service QPS


    The QPS of services can be configured uniformly in the instance dimension. For each service's QPS, throttle as needed.


    1. Log into the API Gateway console, click Instance to enter the Instance List.
    2. Click the instance ID to enter the details page;
    3. Click Parameter Configuration List > Service QPS Limit, click Adjust. A pop-up dialogue box allows you to set uniformly.
    4. Once configured, the QPS of each service in this instance adheres to this upper limit, can only be reduced, increment is not feasible. Take an adjustment to 2000 as an example.
    5. To view the maximum limit of each service in this instance, click on Basic Information > View Service.
    6. The page will be redirected to the service list. Click an ID of a service to navigate to the detail page.
    7. In the Detail Page > Basic Configuration > Service-based throttling , the traffic control upper limit value here correlates with the value that sets in Step 4 above.

    API QPS Configuration


    The QPS for APIs can be set uniformly at the instance level, tailoring the flow control of each API for each service as needed.


    1. On the instance details page within the parameter configuration, it is feasible to uniformly modify the traffic control limit for all APIs under this instance.
    In addition, if there is a need to individually set traffic control for each API, please refer to the following steps.
    2. Following the steps to configure the QPS for the service, continue by creating an API within this service, please refer to API Creation Overview;
    3. On the service detail page, select this API. The details of this API will be displayed on the right. Switch to Basic configurations, where you can view the API's flow control limit;
    4. By default, the flow control value of each API follows the service flow control value. If individual settings are required, click the edit icon to display the following prompt box, and modify as needed.

    TLS Version Configuration

    The API Gateway instance provides a control feature of TLS version. You can flexibly configure the TLS protocol version according to the needs of the services in different instances. In this chapter, you can understand the concepts of TLS, its use cases, and version configuration methods.


    Transport Layer Security (TLS), a secure transport layer protocol, provides confidentiality and data integrity between two applications, with the most typical application being HTTPS. HTTPS, or HTTP over TLS, constitutes a more secure form of HTTP. It operates below the HTTP layer and above the TCP layer, offering data encryption and decryption services for the HTTP layer.
    Protocol version
    Supported mainstream browsers
    Does the API Gateway support adjustments?
    RFC2246, released in 1999, is based on SSLv3.0. This version is vulnerable to various attacks such as BEAST and POODLE. Additionally, it supports weaker encryption, which is no longer effective for contemporary network connection security. It does not adhere to the PCI DSS compliance determination standards.
    Chrome 1+
    Firefox 2+
    RFC4346, released in 2006, corrects several issues with TLSv1.0.
    IE 11+
    Chrome 22+
    Firefox 24+
    Safari 7+
    RFC5246 was published in 2008 and is currently the widely used version.
    IE 11+
    Chrome 30+
    Firefox 27+
    Safari 7+
    RFC8446 is the most recent version of TLS, released in 2018. It supports the 0-RTT mode (faster) and only fully forward secure key exchange algorithms (more secure).
    Chrome 70+
    Firefox 63+
    No (in planning, coming soon)


    1. In Instance Details page > Parameters, you can uniformly edit the TLS protocol versions that require support for this instance;
    2. Click Adjust and select the required version in the dialog box.

    Configure Request Body Size

    1. In Instance Details page > Parameters, you can uniformly edit the TLS protocol versions that require support for this instance;
    2. Click Adjust and input the required upper limit value in the dialog box.




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