tencent cloud

Customer Introduction

Yinxiang Biji China is a cross platform note taking application in Mainland China that allows users to take notes on the desktop (Win/Mac), mobile (iOS/Android), as well as on the web. With over 30 million users, Yinxiang Biji China ranks first in China in terms of paid users and retention rate.

Yinxiang Biji China helps people organize their lives, enabling them to focus on the important matters.

The Challenge

Yinxiang Biji China was originally hosted on IDC with a self-maintained infrastructure. As their userbase grew rapidly, they decided to switch to a more flexible infrastructure with lower maintenance costs. Being a note service provider, reliability and security are also key factors which led them to choose to upgrade their infrastructure by migrating to Tencent Cloud.

Why Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud has four main regions in mainland China with at least two availability zones (AZ) in each region. This multi-AZ and multi-region system guarantee data redundancy. Elastic resources in each AZ provides a flexible infrastructure which is well suited for business growth. In addition, Tencent Cloud provides more than 30 BGP network coverage as well as cross region private connection, enhancing Yinxiang Biji China’s user experience.

The Benefits

With choosing Tencent Cloud, Yinxiang Biji China dramatically reduced their costs while greatly improving the reliability and security of their IT infrastructure. "In the year since we’ve migrated to Tencent Cloud, we have had no issues with our daily operations and data security. Yinxiang Biji China is growing rapidly, and we release new independent apps frequently. As our data volume increase, we also see Tencent Cloud’s stability and response speed increase to match our demands," said Feng Yue, VP of Yinxiang Biji China Infrastructure.

Contact Us

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Technical Support

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