tencent cloud


Viewing the Information of a Cluster

Last updated: 2023-11-07 15:51:30
A ‍job in Stream Compute Service needs to run on a private cluster, which can be created as follows: Log in to the Stream Compute Service console, and select Compute resources > Create. For details, see Creating a Private Cluster and Overview. After a cluster is created, you can click its name in Compute resources to view its information and jobs running on it.
Some cluster information fields are described as follows:
Cluster name
A user-defined name.
Cluster ID
The unique identification of the cluster, automatically generated by the system.
Cluster status
The current status of the cluster.
Cluster description
A ‍user-defined description that helps identify the cluster.
Computer resources (CU)
The ‍idle/total CUs in the cluster.
The region/AZ ‍where the cluster resides.
The VPC and subnet associated with the cluster. Stream Compute Service connects a private cluster with your VPC through ENI to access resources and services in this network environment.
The COS bucket associated with the cluster during its creation.
The CLS logsets and log topics associated with the cluster during its creation.
The tags attached to the cluster.
Billing mode
Monthly subscription is supported.
Flink version
The Flink version used on the cluster.
Creation time
The cluster creation time.
The DNS information of the cluster.
Flink UI access policy
You can set a Flink UI access policy. If no access IP allowlist is set, Flink UI is accessible to all public IPs.

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