tencent cloud


Last updated: 2022-11-15 11:20:02

    UGCKit allows you to freely modify the preset text, colors, and icons.


    UGCKit offers two language packages by default: Simplified Chinese and American English. All their localized strings are stored in the default standard localized string format in UGCKit/UGCKitResources/Localizable.strings. You can replace the text to change the default strings or add new languages.

    Below is an example of changing the Simplified Chinese animated effect names, which are in UGCKit/UGCKitResources/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings.

    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.DynamicLightWave" = "Rock light";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.DarkFantasy" = "Dark dream";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.SoulOut" = "Soul out";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.ScreenSplit" = "Split screen";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Shutter" = "Blinds";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.GhostShadow" = "Shadow";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Phantom" = "Phantom";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Ghost" = "Ghost";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Lightning" = "Lightning";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Mirror" = "Mirror";
    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Illusion" = "Illusion";

    To change "Illusion" to "Phantasm", you only need to modify the last line as follows:

    "UGCKit.Edit.VideoEffect.Illusion" = "Phantasm";


    The methods of getting the colors on all UIs of UGCKit are defined in the UGCKitTheme class. You can modify the attribute values to change colors. For the specific resource names, see the comments in UGCKitTheme.h.
    Below is an example of changing the background color of the application UI:

    UGCKitTheme *theme = [[UGCKitTheme alloc] init];
    theme.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; // Change the background color to white
    UGCKitEditViewController *editViewController = [[UKEditViewController alloc] initWithMedia:media config:nil theme:theme]; // Use the custom theme to create a controller


    The icons on all UIs of UGCKit are in the UGCKit.xcassets resource file and can be replaced as needed. The specific icon filenames can be viewed in UGCKitTheme.h. An icon's resource name is the same as its attribute/method name, and all icons are defined in UGCKitTheme.h. Taking the recording UI as an example, the following names are the icons' attribute names in UGCKitTheme as well as the resource names in UGCKit.xcassets.

    You can replace icons in UGCKit in two ways:

    • Directly replace icons in UGCKitTheme.xcassets.
    • Write code to assign values to objects in UGCKitTheme to change icons.

    Below is the sample code for changing icons on the recording UI:

    UGCKitTheme *theme = [[UGCKitTheme alloc] init];
    theme.nextIcon = [UIImage imageName:@"myConfirmIcon"]; // Set the icon used to complete recording
    theme.recordMusicIcon = [UIImage imageName:@"myMusicIcon"]; // Set the icon of the music feature
    theme.beautyPanelWhitnessIcon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"beauty_whitness"]; // Set the icon of the brightening filter
    UGCKitRecordViewController *viewController = [[UGCKitRecordViewController alloc] initWithConfig:nil theme:theme]; // Use the custom theme to create a controller
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