tencent cloud


Creating Cluster

Last updated: 2024-01-17 18:06:24

    Operation Scenarios

    Cluster is a form of resource dimension of TDMQ for RocketMQ, where resources in disparate clusters are fully isolated, such as Topic, Group, and etc. Each cluster adheres to specific resource constraints, such as a cap on the number of Topic and the duration of message retention. Typically, specialized clusters are designated for individual environments such as development, testing, and production.


    Create a cluster

    1. Log in to the RocketMQ console and go to the Cluster page.
    2. On the Cluster page, select the region and click Create Cluster to enter to the purchase page, where you can configure the relevant information.
    Required or Not
    Cluster Version
    Select 5.x
    Billing Mode
    The 5.x architecture cluster currently supports two billing modes: pay-as-you-go and monthly subscription.
    Select the region that is closest to your operations. Tencent Cloud products in various regions are unable to intercommunicate via the private network, and the region selection cannot be altered after purchasing. For instance, CVMs in the Guangzhou region cannot access clusters to the Shanghai region via the private network. In circumstances of required inter-regional private network communication, please refer to Peering Connections.
    Cluster Specification
    The following editions are currently supported: Trial, Basic, Pro, and Platinum. These differing cluster types exhibit variants in both performance, specifications, and functions. For more details, please refer to Product Series.
    Trial Edition: It is designed for corporate clients and individual developers to experience product functions in the initial development phase. For testing and experiencing purposes only, it is not recommended for use in a production environment.
    Basic Edition: It is designed for customers with moderate scale, providing basic capabilities such as message sending and receiving that are compatible with the open source RocketMQ community.
    Pro Edition: It is designed for enterprise-level clients with larger business scale, but have no specific requirements for the physical resources isolation. It supports the sharing underlying resources, with the highest available TPS specification reaching up to 150,000 TPS.
    Platinum Edition: It is designed for large corporates and large-scale business scenarios that need physical resource separation. This is the only specification type possessing the underlying resources. It offers the broadest TPS specification span, up to a maximum of a million TPS.
    TPS Specification
    TPS Specification contains the entire sum of message production and message consumption. Messages are measured in units of 4KB each, with special message types converted at specific proportions. For detailed rules, please refer to Billing Overview.
    Trial Edition: Supports up to 500.
    Basic Edition: Supports 1000, 2000, 4000, and 6000.
    Pro Edition: Supports a range between 4,000 to 150,000 TPS.
    Platinum Edition: Supports a range between 6,000 to 1,000,000 TPS.
    Message Retention Time
    The message retention time ranges from 24 to 72 hours. Regardless of whether the message has been consumed, it will be deleted after exceeding the retention time.
    Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    Authorize domain binding of the newly purchased cluster's access point to the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
    Public Network Access
    Activating the public network bandwidth will incur additional fees. Once activated, it can be disabled via the cluster management page. For more details, please refer to Public Network Fee Description.
    Cluster Name
    Enter the cluster name with 3-64 characters long, and can only contain numbers, letters, "-" and "_".
    Tags are used for the classified management of resources from various dimensions. For detailed usage, please refer to Managing Resources Using Tags.
    Terms and Conditions
    Tick the box to confirm that you have read and accepted the <TDMQFOR ROCKETMQ SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT>.
    3. Click Buy Now, wait for 3-5 minutes, and the cluster creation will be accomplished.

    Follow-up steps:

    1. Acquire the access address to obtain the connection information of the server.
    2. In the cluster, add a role and provide it with message production and consumption permissions for this cluster.
    3. In the cluster, complete Create Topic, and Create Group.
    4. Compose a Demo as directed in the SDK documentation, configure the connection details, and proceed with message production and consumption.

    View cluster details

    On the Cluster page, click the cluster ID to enter to its details page. In that page, you can inquire the following information:
    Basic information of the cluster (cluster name/ID, region, creation time, description, and resource tag).
    Cluster data statistics: Displays the current cluster's message consumption rate, message production rate, heaped messages amount, the cluster's production traffic per second, and the cluster's consumption traffic per second in chosen time frame.
    Access information: Displays the access point information of both private and public networks.
    Cluster overview: Displays the quantities of various resources in the current cluster, the usage of resource quota, and the distribution of message types, and etc.
    Top cluster resource consumption: Displays the ranking of Group and Topic in the current cluster that occupy the primary resource, including the rankings for the amount of heaped Group and badmails, the rankings for Topic production and consumption speed, and the rankings of Topics that occupy storage space.
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