tencent cloud


Granting Operation-Level Permissions to Sub-Accounts

Last updated: 2024-01-17 16:43:30


    This documentation describes how to use a Tencent Cloud root account to grant operation-level permissions to a sub-account. You can grant different read/write permissions to the sub-account as needed.


    Granting Full Read/Write Permissions

    Once a sub-account is granted full read/write permissions, the sub-account will possess full read/write capabilities over all resources under the root account.
    1. Log in to the CAM console with your root account.
    2. Click Policies in the left sidebar to access the policy management list page.
    3. In the search bar on the right, enter QcloudTrocketFullAccess and search.
    4. In the search results, click the Associate Users/User Groups/Role of QcloudTrocketFullAccess and choose the sub-account you want to authorize.
    5. Click OK to complete the authorization. This policy will then be displayed in the user's policy list.

    Granting Read-Only Permission

    Once a sub-account is granted read-only permission, it will possess read-only capabilities for all resources under the root account.
    1. Log in to the CAM console with your root account.
    2. Click Policies on the left-hand navigation bar to access the policy management list page.
    3. In the search bar on the right, enter QcloudTrocketReadOnlyAccess and search.
    4. In the search results, click on the Associate Users/User Groups/Role of QcloudTrocketReadOnlyAccess and choose the sub-account you want to authorize.
    5. Click OK to complete the authorization. This policy will then be displayed in the user's policy list.

    Other Authorization Methods

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