tencent cloud


Security Baseline

Last updated: 2024-01-24 16:27:16

    What is the security baseline of CFW?

    By observing the traffic access statistics within a specific period of time, CFW generates a basic IP address or domain name access list. You can add or delete IP addresses or domain names based on the security scores, associated security events, and network access statistics, and finally form a security baseline.
    After the security baseline is configured, security alerts will be triggered every time an IP address or domain name beyond the baseline is added. You can process IP addresses or domain names in the alert list. The security baseline feature is applicable to traffic baseline protection during prioritized protection.

    Why can't baseline check time be configured?

    You can check the task status of the security baseline score. In baseline learning status, the baseline check time cannot be configured.
    Baseline learning time: statistics between the time added to baseline and baseline end time
    Baseline check time: statistics between the time added to baseline and current time
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