tencent cloud



Last updated: 2020-09-10 14:55:43

    CMQ currently allows SDK calls based on the TCP protocol for sending and receiving general messages, transaction messages, delayed messages, and async messages. Among them, transaction messages can only be implemented through TCP.
    The TCP protocol currently supports public network access and private network access from a CVM instance in a VPC in the same region as the CMQ instance, but does not support the private network access over the classic network.
    This document describes how to use the SDK for TCP and install, download, configure, and run the demo to help you quickly build CMQ test projects.

    TCP Protocol Advantages

    • Fewer computing resources
      HTTP authenticates requests and requires a signature for each request, while TCP authenticates links; therefore, it is sufficient to authenticate a link during its establishment, which saves client computing resources.
    • Safer client threads
      The TCP client is thread-safe, and multiple threads can use the same link, which saves link resources.
    • Higher transfer efficiency
      TCP increases the proportion of valid data during transfer. For the same client, it has higher throughput and QPS and greater transfer efficiency than HTTP.
    • Better user experience
      TCP supports async APIs and callbacks.
    • More features
      TCP supports the latest CMQ feature of distributed message transaction.

    Demo Usage

    Preparing demo environment

    1. Install IDE
      You can install IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. This document uses IntelliJ IDEA as an example.
      Please download IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and install it accordingly.
    2. Download the demo
      Please download the CMQ demo to your local system and decompress it. You will see the cmq-java-tcp-sdk-master folder then.

    Configuring demo

    1. Create a resource
      You need to create the required CMQ resource in the console and get the CMQ queue name, SecretID, and SecretKey.
      For detailed directions, please see Queue Model and Topic Model.
    2. Import demo files
      Open the folder on the startup page of IDEA.

      After the folder is opened, the file hierarchy is as follows, and the demo files are stored in the demo folder.
    3. Configure demo parameters
      Modify the file NameServer address, key pair, and queue name. For the NameServer address, please see the NameServer Table.
      Taking ProducerDemo as an example, the configuration is as follows:
      producer.setNameServerAddress("Corresponding NameServer");
      producer.setSecretID("Obtained SecretID")
      producer.setSecretKey("Obtained SecretKey")
      String queue = "Name of the created queue"
      The details are as follows:

    Running demo

    Sending and receiving messages with queue model

    1. Configure demo parameters.
    2. After the ProducerDemo file is successfully executed, the log will be displayed as follows:

      ProducerDemo supports sending general messages, delayed messages, and async messages.
    3. Execute the ConsumerDemo file to receive messages.

    Sending and receiving messages with topic model

    1. Run the PublishDemo class to send messages with the topic model.
    2. Run the SubscriberDemo class to receive messages with the topic model.

    Sending and receiving transaction messages

    1. Run the ProducerTransactionDemo class to send transaction messages.
    2. Run the SubscriberTransactionDemo class to receive transaction messages.


    NameServer Table

    Region Public Network Address VPC Address
    India http://cmq-nameserver-in.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-in.api.tencentyun.com
    Beijing http://cmq-nameserver-bj.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-bj.api.tencentyun.com
    Shanghai http://cmq-nameserver-sh.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-sh.api.tencentyun.com
    Guangzhou http://cmq-nameserver-gz.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-gz.api.tencentyun.com
    North America http://cmq-nameserver-ca.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-ca.api.tencentyun.com
    Chengdu http://cmq-nameserver-cd.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-cd.api.tencentyun.com
    Chongqing http://cmq-nameserver-cq.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-cq.api.tencentyun.com
    Hong Kong (China) http://cmq-nameserver-hk.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-hk.api.tencentyun.com
    Korea http://cmq-nameserver-kr.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-kr.api.tencentyun.com
    Russia http://cmq-nameserver-ru.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-ru.api.tencentyun.com
    Singapore http://cmq-nameserver-sg.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-sg.api.tencentyun.com
    Thailand http://cmq-nameserver-th.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-th.api.tencentyun.com
    East US http://cmq-nameserver-use.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-use.api.tencentyun.com
    West US http://cmq-nameserver-usw.tencentcloudapi.com http://cmq-nameserver-vpc-usw.api.tencentyun.com
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