tencent cloud


Installing and Configuring Terraform

Last updated: 2024-01-25 11:20:13
    This document describes how to install and configure Terraform.

    Step 1. Install Terraform

    1. Go to Terraform official website and use the command line to install Terraform directly or download the binary installation file.
    2. Unzip the file and configure the global path. Skip this step if you use the command line.
    Linux and macOS
    1. Run the following command to unzip the file. Replace 1.x.x with the actual version number of Terraform to be installed.
    unzip terraform_1.x.x_linux_amd64.zip
    2. Run the following command to add the current directory to the ~/.profile file.
    echo $"export PATH=\\$PATH:$(pwd)" >> ~/.bash_profile
    3. Run the following command to make the global path configuration take effect.
    source ~/.bash_profile
    1. On the desktop, right-click the This PC icon and select Properties in the pop-up menu.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Advanced system settings.
    3. In the System Properties window that pops up, click Environment Variables.
    4. In System variables, add the absolute path of terraform.exe to Path as shown below: This document uses Windows 10 as an example, and terraform.exe is located in D:\\xxxx\\terraform.
    5. Click OK.
    3. Run the following command to check whether the installation is successful.
    terraform -version
    If the following information is returned (the version number may be different), the installation is successful:
    > Terraform v1.0.10
    > on darwin_amd64
    > Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
    > is 1.1.0. You can update by downloading from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html

    Step 2. Configure security credentials

    Before using Terraform for the first time, go to the TencentCloud API Key page to apply for SecretId and SecretKey. If you already have them, go to step 3.
    1. Log in to the CAM console and select Access Key > Manage API Key on the left sidebar.
    2. On the Manage API Key page, click Create Key to create a pair of SecretId/SecretKey.
    3. You can authenticate in two ways:
    Authentication by environment variable
    Authentication by Static Credential
    Add the following content to the environment variable configuration: Replace <your-secret-id> and <your-secret-key> with SecretId and SecretKey obtained in the Get credentials step.
    export TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID=<your-secret-id>
    export TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-key>
    Create a provider.tf file in the user directory and enter the following content: Replace <your-secret-id> and <your-secret-key> with SecretId and SecretKey obtained in the Get credentials step.
    provider "tencentcloud" {
    secret_id = "<your-secret-id>"
    secret_key = "<your-secret-key>"
    4. At this point, you have installed Terraform and configured the environment variable. You can now proceed to create a site through Terraform.
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