tencent cloud


Terminating Instance

Last updated: 2023-07-03 11:08:35


    You can terminate the instance tasks that have stopped or failed if they are no longer needed. After being terminated, the instance will enter the isolated status and will be automatically deleted after 7 days, so proceed with caution. If you have accidentally deleted an task, you can restore it as instructed in Deisolating Task.
    In pay-as-you-go billing mode, the fees for one hour's usage will be frozen during task creation and will be unfrozen when you terminate the instance or the instance is isolated and terminated due to overdue payments. This is the case even in scenarios where no fees are incurred, for example, incremental migration is not selected in a migration task. We recommend that you terminate completed or unwanted tasks promptly to unfreeze fees in time.

    Application Scope

    This operation is available for data migration tasks that have been billed.


    1. Log in to the DTS console, select Data Migration on the left sidebar, select the target task instance, and click More > Terminate in the Operation column.
    2. In the pop-up window, read and click I have read and agreed to Termination Rules and click Terminate Now.
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