tencent cloud


Development Specifications

Last updated: 2024-01-15 14:49:55

    Database Design Specifications


    Do not create too many collections in a database In the WiredTiger engine, multiple files need to be created in each collection to store metadata, data, and indexes. Too many small files on the disk will compromise the performance. We recommend that you keep the number of collections in one database below 100 and the number of collections in the entire database instance below 2,000.


    Make database names begin with db. A database name cannot contain more than 64 characters and special symbols other than _. All letters in the name should be in lowercase.
    Make collection names begin with t_. A collection name cannot contain more than 120 characters and special symbols other than _.

    Index Design Specifications


    Do not create an index without the background parameter for a database in the production environment In MongoDB 4.2 or earlier, the createIndex() command is in foreground mode by default, where index creation will block all operations on the database and cause business interruption. Therefore, if you need to run createIndex() for a business in the production environment, be sure to add the background parameter.
    background must be placed in the options parameter of the createIndex() command, for example, db.test.createIndex({a: 1}, {unique:true, background: true}). Do not separate different parameters as follows: db.test.createIndex({a: 1}, {unique:true}, {background: true}).
    Place the sort field in the index to avoid out-of-memory (OOM) events caused by a large amount of sorting work by the business in the memory
    In MongoDB 4.2 or earlier, one SQL statement is allowed to use a maximum of 32 MB memory for sorting. If the limit is exceeded, the system will prompt that Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. In this case, you can run db.runCommand({ getParameter : 1, "internalQueryExecMaxBlockingSortBytes" : 1 } ) to adjust the sort memory size. However, it is prohibited to adjust the memory size for a business in the production environment, as this will increase the possibility of database OOM. We recommend that you add the sort field to the index so as to implement the sorting feature through the index.
    In MongoDB 4.4, although the disk sort option is provided to avoid large memory consumption by sorting, we still recommend that you use index for sorting.
    Do not create too many indexes in a collection Every time a data entry is inserted into MongoDB, the index will be written. The more the indexes, the higher the overheads incurred by data writes. Therefore, abuse of indexes, such as creating an index for each field even when some fields will not be used for query, is forbidden. We recommend that you keep the number of indexes in a collection below 10.


    Drop useless indexes periodically During a write operation, indexes will cause extra resource consumption. Therefore, the indexes should be as few as possible. For versions later than MongoDB 4.4, use hidden index to hide useless indexes first, confirm that the business is normal, and then drop them.
    Drop single-column indexes if they are contained in compound indexes according to the left-prefix rule Extra indexes will cause performance waste during write operations.
    Create indexes on fields that are highly distinctive If an index field has low distinction, a large number of rows will be scanned during a query, leading to a low query efficiency, which will have a high impact on the database load. Therefore, the field on which an index is created should have high distinction.

    Database Operation Specifications


    Do not use SQL statements whose execution plan has not been confirmed through explain() in the production environment Before using a SQL statement in the production environment, you need to run explain() to confirm whether its execution plan meets the expectation; otherwise, a failure may occur.
    Do not disable authentication in the production environment, especially when the database is accessible over the public network If authentication is disabled, the database will be exposed to everyone, especially when its server is accessible over the public network. We recommend that you enable authentication in the production environment. If you have to disable it, be sure to set a firewall rule or IP allowlist.
    Do not store business data in admin and local databases If the admin database is read/written, a database lock will be added, which will compromise the performance. Data in the local database will be stored locally only but not replicated to the secondary nodes, and if primary-secondary switch occurs, data will be lost. Therefore, do not use the admin and local databases.
    Do not create a database with the same name as the one dropped through the db.dropDatabase() command
    In MongoDB 4.0 or later, the official document stipulates that if a database is dropped and then a database with the same name is created, all mongos nodes should be restarted or run the flushRouterConfig command before the business reads/writes data.
    In MongoDB 4.2 or later, all mongos and mongod nodes should be restarted or run the flushRouterConfig command. Therefore, do not directly run the db.dropDatabase() command in the business code and then create a database with the same name. When performing this operation, you must strictly follow the instructions in the official document.
    Do not abuse IN and OR operators in high-concurrency and high-performance scenarios IN and OR conditional clauses need to be converted to multiple queries at the database's underlying layer. Too many IN and OR operators in high-concurrency and high-performance scenarios will severely increase the request response latency and database load.
    Do not execute complicated computing operations in the database in high-concurrency and high-performance scenarios MongoDB provides powerful computing capabilities (such as MapReduce), and these features are very developer-friendly and greatly simplify the business logic. However, these operations inevitably require resources. If complicated operations are performed at the database layer in high-concurrency scenarios, the database will experience great pressure, and if it fails, the entire system will also fail. We recommend that you keep database operations simple, perform complicated computation on servers, and add a cache as appropriate on the database frontend in high-concurrency and high-performance scenarios.
    Do not directly remove data in batches for businesses in the production environment When the remove command is executed in the database, _id values of the entries that meet the removal conditions will be queried first, and the entries will be removed by _id one by one and recorded in the oplog (an oplog entry will be generated for each removed data entry). If there are a large number of data entries that meet the removal conditions, the database will experience high pressure, and the primary-secondary delay will surge suddenly. For businesses in the production environment, we recommend that you drop the collection directly, use a script to remove the entries one by one and control the removal speed, or use TTL indexes as much as possible.
    Do not customize the _id field in businesses _id is the default primary key of MongoDB, which is an auto-incrementing sequence by default. If you customize _id, but your business cannot ensure that _id is auto-incrementing, every time data is inserted, the _id index will inevitably need to adjust the B-tree index, which will bring additional load to the database.
    Do not configure only one single IP in the connection string in scenarios where a replica set is directly connected to a mongod node. Do not connect a sharded cluster to only one single mongos address (unless mongos is deployed together with the application server) For businesses in the production environment, if only the primary node of a replica set is connected, once HA occurs in the database, write interruption will occur. If only one single mongos node is connected, the business will be interrupted if the node fails.
    Do not set write concern to j:false for businesses in the production environment Write concern is set to j:true by default, which indicates that the result will be returned to the client after the journal log is written by the server. Generally, do not set j:false; otherwise, data may be lost if the process is restarted after a sudden failure.
    Do not use UPDATE statements without conditions We recommend that you keep the default value (false) of multi to avoid updating the data of the full collection due to program bugs (for example, some exceptions cause the query parameter to pass in {}).
    Do not read an entire array, update it, and write it back when you only need to update certain elements in it We recommend that you use arrayFileters to modify elements on an as-needed basis.


    Use local read/write instead of global read/write Use the $projection operator as much as possible in query statements to project the required fields. If you want to modify a certain field in the update command, we recommend that you use $set. Do not read the entire document and then write it back entirely after modifying it.
    Refrain from using the db.collection.renameCollection() command in the production environment renameCollection() will block all database operations in MongoDB 4.0 and earlier and block operations on the current and target collections in MongoDB 4.2 and later. Moreover, during execution of renameCollection(), problems such as cursor failure, changeStream failure, and failure of mongodump with the --oplog command may occur. Do not directly perform this operation during peak hours in the production environment.
    Configure the {w: "majority"} parameter for write concern for core businesses By default, the configuration of write concern of general drivers is {w:1}, that is, a request will be considered successful after its write to the primary node is completed. If the server fails suddenly and the written data has not been replicated to the secondary nodes, this configuration will cause data loss. Therefore, for core businesses in the production environment, we recommend that you configure {w: "majority"}, which specifies that the result will be returned to the client after the data is synced to most nodes. However, the reliability and performance cannot be balanced. If the {w: "majority"} configuration is used, the request delay will increase accordingly.

    Not recommended

    Do not use a large number of multi-document transactions in high-performance scenarios unless necessary In MongoDB 4.0 or later, the multi-document transaction feature is provided. However, it is only a supplement to the MongoDB database capabilities. In high-concurrency and high-performance scenarios, comprehensive stress testing must be performed before many multi-document transactions are used. Generally, before a multi-document transaction is committed, it will keep a snapshot in the memory, which may consume a large amount of cache and compromise the performance.
    Refrain from using non-persistent connections The authentication logic of MongoDB is a very complicated computing process, and MongoDB creates a thread for each connection by default. A high number of non-persistent connections will bring high pressure to the database, especially for replica set cluster without mongos. We recommend that you use persistent connections. For more information, see the Connection Pool parameter in the MongoDB URL.

    Sharded Cluster Design Specifications


    Do not use ranged sharding if the _id field is used as the shard key id is an ascending sequence that increases as the data volume increases. If _id is used as the shard key and ranged sharding is used, the cluster will be constantly balanced when data is inserted.
    Do not directly connect a sharded cluster to the mongod node to write data A sharded cluster should write data through mongos. Data directly written through mongod has no route information and cannot be accessed.
    Do not keep the balancer and autoSplit configuration disabled for a prolonged time in the production environment If the balancer is disabled, the data volume will become uneven across different shards. If autoSplit is disabled, jumbo chunks may be generated.
    Refrain from using queries without a shard key in a sharded collection If you query a sharded collection without using a shardkey, all shards will be scanned, and the results will be aggregated on mongos, which has high performance overheads and is therefore not recommended.
    Be sure to set a balancer window in the production environment to avoid the impact of balancing on the businesses Balancing will cause high pressure on the database. We recommend that you balance the database during off-peak hours.


    Use a field that is highly distinctive as the shard key. Ideally, use the unique primary key as the shard key Suppose you have a collection for storing population information that uses gender as the shard key. This shard key is considered as poorly distinctive, as data entries with the same gender field value will account for half of all data in the collection theoretically. If the shard key has low distinction, a large number of data entries may concentrate on certain shards, and such imbalance cannot be solved by adding more shards. Therefore, we recommend that you use a highly distinctive field as the shard key.
    Perform presharding if you want to use hashed sharding, especially for large collections where large amounts of data are frequently inserted Only two chunks are created for each shard by the shardCollection() command by default. As the data volume grows, MongoDB needs to constantly balance and run splitChunk, which will bring high pressure to the database. Therefore, we recommend that you perform presharding (by running the shardCollection command and specifying the numInitialChunks parameter), especially before batch data import into large collections. Each shard supports up to 8,192 chunks.

    Not recommended

    Refrain from using ranged sharding if you have no strong requirements for scanning in the shard key order. Use hashed sharding instead Ranged sharding tends to cause imbalance and hotspot data. In addition, as presharding is not supported, balancing is inevitable as more data is written. Therefore, we recommend that you not use ranged sharding, unless you have special requirements for queries based on the shard key range.
    During the shardCollection operation, 1 in sh.shardCollection("records.people", { zipcode: 1 } ) indicates ranged sharding, and hashed in sh.shardCollection("records.people", { zipcode: "hashed" } ) indicates hashed sharding. Be careful not to use them incorrectly.
    Refrain from using non-sharded collections in a sharded cluster If the shardCollection command is not executed on a MongoDB sharded cluster, the data will be stored only in the primary shard by default. A large number of non-sharded collections will cause different data volumes in different shards. If the cluster runs for a long time, some shards may have a high data volume, or the disk may become full. In this case, you have to use movePrimary to manually migrate the data, which makes Ops more complicated.
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