tencent cloud


Using DataX to Sync Data Between Buckets with Metadata Acceleration Enabled

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-03-25 16:04:01


    DataX is an open-source offline data sync tool. It can efficiently sync data between various heterogeneous data sources, including MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, HDFS, Hive, HBase, OTS, and ODPS.
    COS buckets with metadata acceleration enabled can act as the HDFS service in the Hadoop system to provide Hadoop Compatible File System (HCFS) semantics-based access for your business.
    This document describes how to use DataX to sync data between two buckets with metadata acceleration enabled.

    Environmental Dependencies

    HADOOP-COS and the corresponding cos_api-bundle.
    DataX version: DataX 3.0.

    Download and Installation

    Downloading hadoop-cos

    Download hadoop-cos and cos_api-bundle of the corresponding version from GitHub.
    Download chdfs-hadoop-plugin from GitHub.

    Downloading DataX package

    Download DataX from GitHub.

    Installing hadoop-cos

    After downloading hadoop-cos, copy hadoop-cos-2.x.x-${version}.jar, cos_api-bundle-${version}.jar, and chdfs_hadoop_plugin_network-${version}.jar to plugin/reader/hdfsreader/libs/ and plugin/writer/hdfswriter/libs/ in the extracted DataX path.

    How to Use

    Bucket configuration

    Enter the bucket with metadata acceleration enabled, and configure the VPC where the DataX server runs in HDFS Permission Configuration.
    The source and destination buckets should at least allow read and write requests in the VPC respectively.

    DataX configuration

    1. Modify the datax.py script

    Open the bin/datax.py script in the DataX decompression directory, and modify the CLASS_PATH variable in the script as follows:
    CLASS_PATH = ("%s/lib/*:%s/plugin/reader/hdfsreader/libs/*:%s/plugin/writer/hdfswriter/libs/*:.") % (DATAX_HOME, DATAX_HOME, DATAX_HOME)

    2. Configure hdfsreader and hdfswriter in the configuration JSON file

    A sample JSON file is as shown below:
    "job": {
    "setting": {
    "speed": {
    "byte": 10485760
    "errorLimit": {
    "record": 0,
    "percentage": 0.02
    "content": [{
    "reader": {
    "name": "hdfsreader",
    "parameter": {
    "path": "/test/",
    "defaultFS": "cosn://examplebucket1-1250000000/",
    "column": ["*"],
    "fileType": "text",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "hadoopConfig": {
    "fs.cosn.impl": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.CosFileSystem",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.tmp.dir": "/tmp/hadoop_cos",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.tmp.cache.dir": "/tmp/",
    "fs.cosn.userinfo.secretId": "COS_SECRETID",
    "fs.cosn.userinfo.secretKey": "COS_SECRETKEY",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.user.appid": "1250000000"
    "fieldDelimiter": ","
    "writer": {
    "name": "hdfswriter",
    "parameter": {
    "path": "/",
    "fileName": "hive.test",
    "defaultFS": "cosn://examplebucket2-1250000000/",
    "column": [
    "fileType": "text",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "hadoopConfig": {
    "fs.cosn.impl": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.CosFileSystem",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.tmp.dir": "/tmp/hadoop_cos",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.tmp.cache.dir": "/tmp/",
    "fs.cosn.userinfo.secretId": "COS_SECRETID",
    "fs.cosn.userinfo.secretKey": "COS_SECRETKEY",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.user.appid": "1250000000"
    "fieldDelimiter": ",",
    "writeMode": "append"
    Configure hadoopConfig as required for cosn.
    Set defaultFS to the COSN path, such as cosn://examplebucket-1250000000/.
    Change fs.cosn.userinfo.region and fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.bucket.region to the bucket region, such as ap-guangzhou. For more information, see Regions and Access Endpoints.
    For COS_SECRETID and COS_SECRETKEY, use your own COS key information.
    Change fs.ofs.user.appid and fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.user.appid to your appid.
    fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.bucket.region and fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.user.appid have been removed from Hadoop-COS 8.1.7 and later. Therefore, note the version difference during use. For other configurations, see the reader and writer configuration items of HDFS.

    Migrating data

    Save the configuration file as hdfs_job.json in the job directory and run the following command:
    [root@172 /usr/local/service/datax]# python bin/datax.py job/hdfs_job.json
    The resulting output is as shown below:
    2022-10-23 00:25:24.954 [job-0] INFO JobContainer -
    [total cpu info] =>
    averageCpu | maxDeltaCpu | minDeltaCpu
    -1.00% | -1.00% | -1.00%
    [total gc info] =>
    NAME | totalGCCount | maxDeltaGCCount | minDeltaGCCount | totalGCTime | maxDeltaGCTime | minDeltaGCTime
    PS MarkSweep | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.034s | 0.034s | 0.034s
    PS Scavenge | 14 | 14 | 14 | 0.059s | 0.059s | 0.059s
    2022-10-23 00:25:24.954 [job-0] INFO JobContainer - PerfTrace not enable!
    2022-10-23 00:25:24.954 [job-0] INFO StandAloneJobContainerCommunicator - Total 1000003 records, 9322478 bytes | Speed 910.40KB/s, 100000 records/s | Error 0 records, 0 bytes | All Task WaitWriterTime 1.000s | All Task WaitReaderTime 6.259s | Percentage 100.00%
    2022-10-23 00:25:24.955 [job-0] INFO JobContainer -
    Job start time : 2022-10-23 00:25:12
    Job end time : 2022-10-23 00:25:24
    Job duration : 12s
    Average job traffic : 910.40 KB/s
    Record write speed : 100000 records/s
    Total number of read records : 1000003
    Read/Write failure count : 0

    Ranger and Kerberos Use Cases

    In the Hadoop permission system, Kerberos and Ranger are responsible for authentication and authorization respectively. After Ranger and Kerberos are enabled, you can use DataX to connect buckets with metadata acceleration enabled in similar steps, but you need to perform additional operations and configurations.
    1. A bucket with metadata acceleration enabled supports the COS Ranger service, which will be automatically installed when you purchase the Ranger and COS Ranger components in the EMR console. You can also install it by yourself as instructed in CHDFS Ranger Permission System Solution.
    2. Copy cosn-ranger-interface-1.x.x-${version}.jar and hadoop-ranger-client-for-hadoop-${version}.jar to plugin/reader/hdfsreader/libs/ and plugin/writer/hdfswriter/libs/ in the extracted DataX path. Click here to download them.
    3. Enter the bucket with metadata acceleration enabled, select Ranger authentication for HDFS Authentication Mode, and configure the Ranger address (not the COS Ranger address).
    4. Configure hdfsreader and hdfswriter in the JSON configuration file.
    "job": {
    "setting": {
    "speed": {
    "byte": 10485760
    "errorLimit": {
    "record": 0,
    "percentage": 0.02
    "content": [{
    "reader": {
    "name": "hdfsreader",
    "parameter": {
    "path": "/test/",
    "defaultFS": "cosn://examplebucket1-1250000000/",
    "column": ["*"],
    "fileType": "text",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "hadoopConfig": {
    "fs.cosn.impl": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.CosFileSystem",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.tmp.dir": "/tmp/hadoop_cos",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.tmp.cache.dir": "/tmp/",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.user.appid": "1250000000",
    "fs.cosn.credentials.provider": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.auth.RangerCredentialsProvider",
    "qcloud.object.storage.zk.address": "",
    "qcloud.object.storage.ranger.service.address": "",
    "qcloud.object.storage.kerberos.principal": "hadoop/"
    "haveKerberos": "true",
    "kerberosKeytabFilePath": "/var/krb5kdc/emr.keytab",
    "kerberosPrincipal": "hadoop/",
    "fieldDelimiter": ","
    "writer": {
    "name": "hdfswriter",
    "parameter": {
    "path": "/",
    "fileName": "hive.test",
    "defaultFS": "cosn://examplebucket2-1250000000/",
    "column": [
    "fileType": "text",
    "encoding": "UTF-8",
    "hadoopConfig": {
    "fs.cosn.impl": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.CosFileSystem",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.bucket.region": "ap-guangzhou",
    "fs.cosn.tmp.dir": "/tmp/hadoop_cos",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.tmp.cache.dir": "/tmp/",
    "fs.cosn.trsf.fs.ofs.user.appid": "1250000000",
    "fs.cosn.credentials.provider": "org.apache.hadoop.fs.auth.RangerCredentialsProvider",
    "qcloud.object.storage.zk.address": "",
    "qcloud.object.storage.ranger.service.address": "",
    "qcloud.object.storage.kerberos.principal": "hadoop/"
    "haveKerberos": "true",
    "kerberosKeytabFilePath": "/var/krb5kdc/emr.keytab",
    "kerberosPrincipal": "hadoop/",
    "fieldDelimiter": ",",
    "writeMode": "append"
    The new configuration items are as detailed below:
    Set fs.cosn.credentials.provider to org.apache.hadoop.fs.auth.RangerCredentialsProvider to use Ranger for authorization.
    Set qcloud.object.storage.zk.address to the ZooKeeper address.
    Set qcloud.object.storage.ranger.service.address to the COS Ranger address.
    Set haveKerberos to true.
    Set qcloud.object.storage.kerberos.principal and kerberosPrincipal to the Kerberos authentication principal name (which can be read from core-site.xml in the EMR environment with Kerberos enabled).
    Set kerberosKeytabFilePath to the absolute path of the keytab authentication file (which can be read from ranger-admin-site.xml in the EMR environment with Kerberos enabled).


    What should I do if the java.io.IOException: Permission denied: no access groups bound to this mountPoint examplebucket2-1250000000, access denied or java.io.IOException: Permission denied: No access rules matched error is reported?

    Check whether the IP address or IP range of the server is set in the VPC network configuration in HDFS Permission Configuration; for example, the IP addresses of all nodes must be configured for EMR.

    What should I do if the java. lang. RuntimeException: java. lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.con.ranger.client.RangerQcloudObjectStorageClientImpl not found error is reported?

    Check whether cosn-ranger-interface-1.x.x-${version}.jar and hadoop-ranger-client-for-hadoop-${version}.jar have been copied to plugin/reader/hdfsreader/libs/ and plugin/writer/hdfswriter/libs/ in the extracted DataX path (click here to download them).

    What should I do if the java.io.IOException: Login failure for hadoop/_HOST@EMR-5IUR9VWW from keytab /var/krb5kdc/emr.keytab: javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Unable to obtain password from user error is reported?

    Check whether kerberosPrincipal and qcloud.object.storage.kerberos.principal are mistakenly set to hadoop/_HOST@EMR-5IUR9VWW instead of hadoop/ As DataX cannot resolve a _HOST domain name, you need to replace _HOST with an IP. You can run the klist -ket /var/krb5kdc/emr.keytab command to find an appropriate principal.

    What should I do if the java.io.IOException: init fs.cosn.ranger.plugin.client.impl failed error is reported?

    Check whether qcloud.object.storage.kerberos.principal is configured in hadoopConfig in the JSON file, and if not, you need to configure it.
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