tencent cloud


Database Proxy Kernel Version Release Notes

Last updated: 2024-04-25 10:28:33
This document describes the updates in each release of the TDSQL-C for MySQL database proxy kernel version.
If the kernel version requirements of TDSQL-C for MySQL are not met, you can upgrade the database kernel version first as instructed in Upgrading Kernel Minor Version. To learn about the release dates of various database proxy kernel versions, see Kernel Overview.
TDSQL-C for MySQL Kernel Version Requirement
TDSQL-C for MySQL version 5.7 is equal to or greater than 2.0.20/2.1.6.
TDSQL-C for MySQL version 8.0 is equal to or greater than 3.1.6.
Bug Fixes
Resolved an issue where handling response packets could result in exceptions when encountering specific messages.
TDSQL-C for MySQL version 5.7 is compatible with versions 2.0.20/2.1.6 and later.
TDSQL-C for MySQL version 8.0 is compatible with version 3.1.6 and later.
Feature Updates
Enhanced support for updated functions in MySQL versions 5.7 and 8.0.
Optimized parser caching to reduce the likelihood of Out of Memory (OOM) errors under complex SQL queries.
Introduced traffic monitoring metrics for database proxies.
Implemented dynamic load balancing capabilities.
Introduced anti-flapping features.
TDSQL-C for MySQL 5.7 ≥ 2.0.20/2.1.6
TDSQL-C for MySQL 8.0 ≥ 3.1.6
Bug fixes
Fixed the routing error of the select for update statement in some cases.
Modified the select @@read_only statement and made it possible to be routed to the source database. This prevents some frameworks that use read_only flags from misjudging the database proxy as unwritable.
Fixed the database proxy node exceptions caused by a database instance HA in some scenarios.
TDSQL-C for MySQL 5.7 ≥ 2.0.20/2.1.6
TDSQL-C for MySQL 8.0 ≥ 3.1.6
Bug fixes
Resolved the issue of decreased and fluctuating read performance in read-only instances under high concurrency scenarios.
TDSQL-C for MySQL 5.7 ≥ 2.0.20/2.1.6TDSQL-C for MySQL 8.0 ≥ 3.1.6
Bug fixes
Resolved the issue of incomplete data returned by the show processlist command.
TDSQL-C for MySQL 5.7 ≥ 2.0.20/2.1.6
TDSQL-C for MySQL 8.0 ≥ 3.1.6
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue where an error was reported when the session connection pool reused connections to send change_user to the backend, and the issue where the PREPARE statement was not correctly handled by the database proxy after a new connection was established.
Fixed the issue where the execute statement lacked parameter types.
Feature updates
Supported MySQL 5.7/8.0.
Supported cluster deployment, enabling the deployment of multiple instances in a single database proxy.
Supported read/write separation along with corresponding weight configuration.
Supported the failover feature, rerouting read requests to the read-write instance in case of read-only instance exceptions.
Supported the load balancing feature to address uneven connection counts among proxy nodes.
Supported using the hint syntax to specify routing nodes.
Supported session-level connection pooling, handling scenarios where frequent connections need to be established with the database in short lived connection-based businesses.
‌Database proxy supported saving connections and reusing them for subsequent connection attempts.
Supported hot loading, allowing online modifications of configurations without the need of restarting the dedicated database proxy.
Supported the reconnection feature for read-only instances. In scenarios involving long lived connections, the database proxy will automatically re-establish a connection and restore the routing nodes if a read-only instance is restarted or a read-only instance is added.

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