tencent cloud


Getting Started

Last updated: 2020-05-28 16:56:24
  1. In the EMR Console, create a ClickHouse cluster and log in to a server in it at the public IP address.
  2. Prepare data in CSV format by creating an account.csv file in the /data directory.
    AccountId, Name, Address, Year
    1, 'GHua', 'WuHan Hubei', 1990
    2, 'SLiu', 'ShenZhen Guangzhou', 1991
    3, 'JPong', 'Chengdu Sichuan', 1992
  3. Use clickhouse-client to connect to the service and create a database and table.
    CREATE TABLE testdb.account (accountid UInt16, name String, address String, year UInt64) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY(accountid);
  4. Import data into the data table.
    cat /data/account.csv | clickhouse-client --database=testdb --query="INSERT INTO account FORMAT CSVWithNames"
  5. Query the imported data.
    select * from testdb.account;
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