tencent cloud


Data Backup

Last updated: 2020-05-28 16:56:25

    The ClickHouse data directory can be configured in the path field in config.xml by default, and the default directory is /data/clickhouse/clickhouse-server/data.

    Data Directory Format

    The structure of a clickhouse-server data directory is as follows:

    |-- account
    |   |-- all_1_1_0
    |   |   |-- checksums.txt
    |   |   |-- columns.txt
    |   |   |-- count.txt
    |   |   |-- name.bin
    |   |   |-- name.mrk2
    |   |   |-- id.bin
    |   |   |-- id.mrk2
    |   |   |-- age.bin
    |   |   |-- age.mrk2
    |   |   |-- primary.idx
    |   |-- detached
    |-- |-- format_version.txt
    • The first-level directory displays the database name such as test.
    • The second-level directory is the table name. In the example above, the account table exists in the test database.
    • The third-level directory displays the partition directories.
      • checksum.txt stores the data checksum information.
      • columns.txt stores the data column names and data types.
      • count.txt stores the total number of data entries in the partition.
      • .bin and .mrk2 store the data.

    Data Backup Method

    ClickHouse officially provides the clickhouse-backup backup tool that can back up the data directories of the clickhouse-server process to COS in the public cloud.

    Step 1. Prepare the config.yml configuration file

    Add the COS information such as URL, secret_id, secret_key, clickhouse-server address, and access information to the file. Create a /etc/clickhouse-backup directory and move the configuration file into it.

    remote_storage: cos
    disable_progress_bar: false
    backups_to_keep_local: 0
    backups_to_keep_remote: 0
    username: default
    password: ""
    port: 9000
    data_path: ""
    - system.*
    timeout: 5m
    url: "https://${bucket-name}.cos.${region}.myqcloud.com"
    timeout: 100
    secret_id: "xxxxxx"
    secret_key: "yyyyy"
    path: "/"
    compression_format: gzip
    compression_level: 1
    debug: false

    Step 2. Use the clickhouse-backup tool to create a backup directory

    $ ./clickhouse-backup create testbak1
    # Run `list` to check whether the creation succeeds
    $ ./clickhouse-backup list local
    - 'testbak1'    (created at 26-03-2020 02:55:23)

    Step 3. Use the clickhouse-backup tool to package data and upload it to COS

    After running the following command, check whether the compressed file testbak1.tar.gz exists in the corresponding directory in the COS bucket:

    $ ./clickhouse-backup upload testbak1 2020/03/25 12:58:25 Upload backup 'testbak1' 1.27 MiB / 1.27 MiB [===========================] 100.00% 0s 2020/03/25 12:58:26 Done.


    clickhouse-backup tool

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