tencent cloud


MySQL Data Import

Last updated: 2020-05-28 16:00:19


    This document describes how to import data in MySQL into a ClickHouse cluster in the following two methods:

    • Through ClickHouse's support for MySQL external tables.
    • By using the clickhouse-mysql-data-reader tool provided by Altinity.

    In the examples below, data is imported from the MySQL data table test.clickhouse_test into the ClickHouse cluster. The table schema is as shown below:

    Importing Data by Using MySQL Table Engine (Simple Scheme)

    ClickHouse's MySQL table engine allows you to perform SELECT queries on data stored on remote MySQL servers. Based on this capability, you can use the CREATE ... SELECT * FROM or INSERT INTO ... SELECT * FROM statement to import data.


    • Step 1. Create a MySQL table engine in ClickHouse
    • Step 2. Create a ClickHouse table
    • Step 3. Import data in the external table created in step 1 into the ClickHouse table

    You can combine steps 2 and 3 into one step, i.e., using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM to achieve the same result.

    ClickHouse supports MySQL external table engines. Is it necessary to import data into ClickHouse?
    Yes. A MySQL external table engine does not store data itself; instead, data is stored in MySQL. In copy queries, especially when there are JOIN statements, access to an external table is very slow and even impossible. This scheme has obvious flaws and does not support importing incremental data.

    Importing Data by Using Altinity Tool (Recommended Scheme)

    Altinity provides the clickhouse-mysql-data-reader tool for data import. This tool can export both existing and incremental data from MySQL.

    As described on the official website, use of the pypy tool can significantly improve the data import performance of clickhouse-mysql-data-reader.

    Tool preparations

    • Step 1. Download pypy3.6-7.2.0 and decompress it to the pypy directory
    • Step 2. Install clickhouse-mysql. If you are performing the operations in a Tencent Cloud ClickHouse cluster, after completing the installation operations below, the tool will be integrated and can be used out of the box with no configuration required
      • Install pip: run pypy/bin/pypy3 -m ensurepip.
      • Install mysql-replication and clickhouse-driver: run pypy/bin/pip3 install mysql-replication and pypy/bin/pip3 install clickhouse-driver.
      • Install and initialize clickhouse-mysql: run pypy/bin/pip3 install clickhouse-mysql and pypy/bin/clickhouse-mysql --install.
      • Install clickhouse-client: run yum install -y clickhouse-client.
      • Install mysql-community-devel: run yum install -y mysql-community-devel.
    • Step 3. Get the database permissions SUPER and REPLICATION CLIENT
      CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'cloud';

    Importing Data

    After completing the preparations, you can use the tool to import data from MySQL to the ClickHouse cluster in the following steps:

    1. Use clickhouse-mysql-data-reader to generate the SQL statement for table creation.

      Modify the SQL statement and select an appropriate table engine (TinyLog is used in this example). Run the table creation statement clickhouse-client -m < create.sql.
    2. Import existing data.
    3. Import incremental data.

      The meanings of the parameters are as follows:
      • src-host: MySQL database IP.
      • src-user: MySQL database username.
      • src-password: MySQL database password.
      • create-table-sql-template: generates the table creation script of ClickHouse.
      • with-create-database: adds the database creation statement to the table creation script.
      • src-tables: source table (MySQL table).
      • mempool-max-flush-interval: time interval for mempool flush.
      • src-server-id: whether the MySQL server is a master node.
      • src-resume: resumable transfer.
      • src-wait: data wait.
      • nice-pause: sleep time interval if there is no data.
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