tencent cloud


HDFS Data Import

Last updated: 2021-07-01 11:25:51


    This document describes two methods to import HDFS data to a ClickHouse cluster suitable for scenarios with low and high data volumes respectively. In this document, v19.16.12.49 is used as an example.


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    Importing data from external table

    This method is suitable for scenarios where the data volume is small and can be implemented in the following steps:

    • Create an HDFS engine external table in ClickHouse to read the HDFS data.
    • Create a regular table (generally in the MergeTree family) in ClickHouse to store the HDFS data.
    • Select data from the external table (with the SELECT statement) and insert it into the regular table (with the INSERT statement) to import the data.

    Step 1. Create an HDFS engine external table

    CREATE TABLE source
       `id` UInt32, 
       `name` String, 
       `comment` String
    ENGINE = HDFS('hdfs://*.csv', 'CSV')

    For more information on how to use the HDFS engine (ENGINE = HDFS(URI, format)), please see HDFS.

    URI is the HDFS path. If it contains wildcards, the table is read-only. File match with wildcards is performed during the query rather than during table creation. Therefore, if the number or content of matched files changes between two queries, the difference will be shown in the query results. Supported wildcards are as follows:

    • * can match a random number of any characters except the path separator /, including an empty string.
    • ? can match a character.
    • {some_string,another_string,yet_another_one} can match some_string, another_string, or yet_another_one.
    • {N..M} can match numbers from N to M (including N and M); for example, {1..3} can match 1, 2, and 3.

    For more information on the formats supported for format, please see Formats for Input and Output Data.

    Step 2. Create a regular table

       `id` UInt32, 
       `name` String, 
       `comment` String
    ENGINE = MergeTree()
    ORDER BY id

    Step 3. Import data

    FROM source

    Step 4. Query data

    SELECT *
    FROM dest
    LIMIT 2

    Concurrent JDBC driver import scheme

    ClickHouse provides methods to access JDBC and an official driver. You can also use third-party drivers. For more information, please see JDBC Driver.

    ClickHouse is deeply integrated with big data ecosystems such as Hadoop and Spark. By developing Spark or MapReduce applications and leveraging the concurrent processing capabilities of the big data platform, you can quickly import a high volume of data from HDFS to ClickHouse. Spark also supports other data sources such as Hive; therefore, you can import data from other data sources in a similar way.

    The following uses Spark Python as an example to describe how to import data concurrently:

    Step 1. Create a regular table

    CREATE TABLE default.hdfs_loader_table
      `id` UInt32, 
      `name` String, 
      `comment` String
    ENGINE = MergeTree()
    ORDER BY id

    Step 2. Develop a Spark Python application

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    import sys
    if __name__ == '__main__':
      if len(sys.argv) != 2:
          print("Usage: clickhouse-spark <path>", file=sys.stderr)
        spark = SparkSession.builder \
          .appName("clickhouse-spark") \
          .enableHiveSupport() \
        url = "jdbc:clickhouse://"
      driver = 'ru.yandex.clickhouse.ClickHouseDriver'
      properties = {
          'driver': driver,
          "socket_timeout": "300000",
          "rewriteBatchedStatements": "true",
          "batchsize": "1000000",
          "numPartitions": "4",
          'user': 'default',
          'password': 'test'
      spark.read.csv(sys.argv[1], schema="""id INT, name String, comment String""").write.jdbc(

    The URL format is jdbc:clickhouse://host:port/database where port is the HTTP protocol port of ClickHouse, which is 8123 by default.

    The meanings of some parameters in properties are as follows:

    • socket_timeout is the timeout period in milliseconds. For more information, please see here.
    • rewriteBatchedStatements is used to enable batch SQL execution in the JDBC driver.
    • batchsize specifies the number of data entries that can be written at a time. You can increase the value appropriately to improve the write performance.
    • numPartitions specifies the data write concurrency, which also determines the number of JDBC concurrent connections. For more information on batchsize and numPartitions, please see JDBC to Other Databases.

    Step 3. Submit a Spark task

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    spark-submit \
    --master yarn \
    --jars ./clickhouse-jdbc-0.2.4.jar,./guava-19.0.jar \
    clickhouse-spark.py hdfs:///clickhouse/globs

    For Spark Python, you need to check the JAR version depended on by clickhouse-jdbc-0.2.4.jar. You can decompress the JAR file and view the configuration in pom.xml to check whether the JAR package for the Spark environment matches the version; and if not, the error "Could not initialize class ru.yandex.clickhouse.ClickHouseUtil" may occur. In this case, you need to download the JAR package on the correct version and submit it with the parameter --jars in the spark-submit command.

    Step 4. Query data

    SELECT *
    FROM hdfs_loader_table
    LIMIT 2


    This section describes two ways to directly read/write HDFS data, which are generally used to import data from HDFS to ClickHouse. They are relatively slow in read/write and do not support the following features (for more information, please see HDFS):

    • ALTER and SELECT...SAMPLE operations
    • Indexes
    • Replication

    Table engine

    1. Create a table
      CREATE TABLE hdfs_engine_table(id UInt32, name String, comment String) ENGINE=HDFS('hdfs://', 'CSV')
    2. Insert the testing data
      INSERT INTO hdfs_engine_table VALUES(1, 'zhangsan', 'hello zhangsan'),(2, 'lisi', 'hello lisi')
    3. Query the data
      SELECT * FROM hdfs_engine_table
      │  1 │ zhangsan │ hello zhangsan │
      │  2 │ lisi     │ hello lisi     │
    4. View the HDFS file
      hadoop fs -cat /clickhouse/hdfs_engine_table
      1,"zhangsan","hello zhangsan"
      2,"lisi","hello lisi"

    Table function

    There is only a slight difference in the table creation syntax between using a table function and using a table engine. The sample code is as follows:

    CREATE TABLE hdfs_function_table AS hdfs('hdfs://', 'CSV', 'id UInt32, name String, comment String')


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