tencent cloud



Last updated: 2020-01-15 17:17:41

    Feature Description

    This API is used to update the status of a job. You can use this API to start a job or cancel an ongoing job. For more information on batch operation jobs, see Batch Operation Overview.


    Sample Request

    POST /jobs/<JobId>/status?requestedJobStatus=<RequestedJobStatus>&statusUpdateReason=<StatusUpdateReason> HTTP/1.1
    x-cos-appid: <appid>

    Request Parameters

    Calling the UpdateJobStatus API requires the following parameters:

    Parameter Description Required
    JobId ID of the batch operation job to be updated. Yes
    requestedJobStatus Your desired job status. If you change the job status to Ready, COS will think that you have confirmed the job and will execute it. If you change the job status to Cancelled, COS will cancel the job. Valid values: Ready, Cancelled. Yes
    statusUpdateReason Reason for the status update; length: 0–256 bytes. No
    x-cos-appid User APPID with a length of 1–64 bytes. Yes

    Request Headers

    This API only uses common request headers. For more information, see Common Request Headers.

    Request Body

    This request does not have a request body.


    Sample Response

    HTTP/1.1 200

    Response Headers
    This API only returns common response headers. For more information, see Common Response Headers.

    Response Body


    The content is described in detail as below:


    Node Name Parent Node Description Type
    JobId UpdateJobStatusResult ID of the job you update; length: 5–36 bytes. String
    Status UpdateJobStatusResult Current job status. Valid values: Active, Cancelled, Cancelling, Complete, Completing, Failed, Failing, New, Paused, Pausing, Preparing, Ready, Suspended. String
    StatusUpdateReason UpdateJobStatusResult Reason for the status update; length: 0–256 bytes. String

    Error Codes

    The following describes some frequent special errors that may occur when you make this request.

    Error Code Description Status Code API
    InvalidArgument The value of the requestedJobStatus parameter must be Cancelled or Ready 400 UpdateJobStatus
    InvalidRequest The specified job has already been completed 400 UpdateJobStatus
    InvalidRequest Error with the job status change 400 UpdateJobStatus
    NoSuchJob The specified job does not exist or has already been completed 404 UpdateJobStatus, UpdateJobPriority

    For other errors, see ErrorResponse.