tencent cloud


Upload Part - Copy

Last updated: 2023-03-02 15:11:45


    This API is used to copy the parts of an object from the source path to the destination path. You can use x-cos-copy-source to specify the source object and use x-cos-copy-source-range to specify the byte range to copy (each part should be 1 MB to 5 GB).


    The following two types of accounts can call this API:

    • Have the root account permissions.
    • Have the GetObjecet API permission of the source object and the InitiateMultipartUpload, ListMultipartUploads, ListParts, PutObject, CompleteMultipartUpload, and AbortMultipartUpload API permissions under the destination path.

    • To call this API, you need to first call the Initiate Multipart Upload API to initialize the multipart upload and specify the destination path.
    • If the source and destination objects reside in two different regions and the part size is larger than 5 GB, use the multipart upload or multipart copy API to copy the object.
    • To upload an object in parts, you must first initialize the multipart upload. The response of the multipart upload initialization will include a unique descriptor uploadId, which needs to be carried in the multipart upload request.
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    If versioning is enabled for the bucket, x-cos-copy-source identifies the current version of the object to copy. If the current version is a delete marker and no version is specified in x-cos-copy-source, COS will consider that the object has been deleted and return a 404 error. If you specify a versionId in x-cos-copy-source and the versionId is a delete marker, COS will return an HTTP 400 error as delete markers cannot be set in x-cos-copy-source.


    Sample request

    PUT /<ObjectKey>?partNumber=PartNumber&uploadId=UploadId  HTTP/1.1
    Host: <Bucketname-APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com
    Date: GMT Date
    Authorization: Auth String
    x-cos-copy-source: <Bucketname>-<APPID>.cos.<Region>.myqcloud.com/filepath
    x-cos-copy-source-range: bytes=first-last
    x-cos-copy-source-if-match: etag
    x-cos-copy-source-if-none-match : etag
    x-cos-copy-source-if-unmodified-since: time_stamp
    x-cos-copy-source-if-modified-since: time_stamp

    Request headers

    Common request headers

    This API uses Common Request Headers.

    Non-common request headers

    Required headers

    This API uses the following required header:

    Header Description Type Required
    x-cos-copy-source URL of the source object. You can use versionid to specify the versionId of the object. String Yes

    Recommended headers

    This API uses the following recommended headers:

    Header Description Type Required
    x-cos-copy-source-range Byte range of the source object. The range value must be in the format of bytes=first-last, where both first and last are offsets starting from 0.
    For example, bytes=0-9 means that you want to copy the first 10 bytes of data of the source object. If this parameter is not specified, the entire object will be copied.
    String No
    x-cos-copy-source-If-Modified-Since If the object is modified after the specified time, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned.
    This parameter can be used together with x-cos-copy-source-If-None-Match. If it is used together with other conditions, a conflict will be returned.
    String No
    x-cos-copy-source-If-Unmodified-Since If the object is not modified after the specified time, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned.
    This parameter can be used together with x-cos-copy-source-If-Match. If it is used together with other conditions, a conflict will be returned.
    String No
    x-cos-copy-source-If-Match If the ETag of the object is the same as the specified one, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned.
    This parameter can be used together with x-cos-copy-source-If-Unmodified-Since. If it is used together with other conditions, a conflict will be returned.
    String No
    x-cos-copy-source-If-None-Match If the ETag of the object is different from the specified one, the operation will be performed; otherwise, 412 will be returned.
    This parameter can be used together with x-cos-copy-source-If-Modified-Since. If it is used together with other conditions, a conflict will be returned.
    string No

    Request parameters

    Parameter Description Type Required
    partNumber Part number String Yes
    uploadId To upload an object in parts, you must first initialize the multipart upload. The response of the multipart upload initialization will carry a unique descriptor (uploadId), which needs to be carried in the multipart upload request. String Yes

    Request body

    The request body of this request is empty.


    Response headers

    Common response headers

    This API uses Common Response Headers.

    Non-common response headers

    Header                                             Description Type
    x-cos-copy-source-version-id Version ID of the source object to copy (if versioning is enabled for the source bucket) String
    x-cos-server-side-encryption If the object is stored with COS-managed server-side encryption, the response will contain this header and the encryption algorithm used (AES256). String

    Response body

    The response body returns application/xml data. The following contains all the nodes:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    The nodes are described as follows:

    Parameter Description Type
    CopyPartResult Results of the copy String
    ETag MD5 checksum of the object. ETag can be used to check whether the object content has changed. String
    LastModified Last modified time of the object, in GMT format String

    Error codes

    This API returns common error responses and error codes. For more information, see Error Codes.



    PUT /exampleobject?partNumber=1&uploadId=1505706248ca8373f8a5cd52cb129f4bcf85e11dc8833df34f4f5bcc456c99c42cd1ffa2f9 HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.19.7 NSS/ zlib/1.2.3 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.2
    Accept: */*
    x-cos-copy-source-range: bytes=10-100
    Host: examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/xml
    Content-Length: 133 
    Connection: keep-alive 
    Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2017 04:45:45 GMT
    Server: tencent-cos
    x-cos-request-id: NTlkYjFjYWJfMjQ4OGY3MGFfNGIz****