tencent cloud



Last updated: 2018-09-28 17:11:57
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    This document describes how a viewer enters a room and enables the camera and the microphone to interact with other users.

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    Entering a Room

    The method for entering a room is in ILiveRoomManager.h, and is the same as that for creating a room. This method also requires passing in two parameters, room ID (roomId) and room configuration object (option) (the roomId of the room to be entered must be the same as the created roomId). When creating a configuration object, we should disable the auto start of the camera and the microphone.

    - (IBAction)onJoinRoom:(id)sender {
        // Create a room configuration object
        ILiveRoomOption *option = [ILiveRoomOption defaultHostLiveOption];
        // Configure a room ticket
        option.privateMapKey = privateMapKey;
        option.imOption.imSupport = NO;
        // Do not enable the camera automatically
        option.avOption.autoCamera = NO;
        // Do not enable the microphone automatically
        option.avOption.autoMic = NO;
        // Set audio/video listening in the room
        option.memberStatusListener = liveRoomVC;
        // Set room disconnection event listening
        option.roomDisconnectListener = liveRoomVC;
        // This parameter indicates the audio/video specification used after a user enters a room. The value of the parameter is the role name configured by the customer in Screen Setting on the Tencent Cloud TRTC console (for example, the default role name is user, and you can set controlRole = @"user")
        option.controlRole = #The role name configured on the Tencent Cloud console#;
        // Call the API for entering a room with roomId and option passed
        [[ILiveRoomManager getInstance] joinRoom:[self.roomID intValue] option:option succ:^{
            // Entered the room successfully
            NSLog(@"-----> join room succ");
        } failed:^(NSString *module, int errId, NSString *errMsg) {
            // Failed to enter the room
            NSLog(@"Failed to enter the roomerrId:%d errMsg:%@",errId, errMsg);

    After successfully entering a room, the user will be directly redirected to the room page.

    Video Interaction

    To start video interactions with other users in the room, enable the camera and the microphone:

     Enable/disable the camera
     @param cameraPos Camera position cameraPos
     @param bEnable   YES: Enable NO: Disable
     @param succ      Callback is successful
     @param fail      Callback failed
    - (void)enableCamera:(cameraPos)cameraPos enable:(BOOL)bEnable succ:(TCIVoidBlock)succ failed:(TCIErrorBlock)fail;
     Enable/disable the microphone
     @param bEnable YES: Enable NO: Disable
     @param succ      Callback is successful
     @param fail      Callback failed
    - (void)enableMic:(BOOL)bEnable succ:(TCIVoidBlock)succ failed:(TCIErrorBlock)fail;

    After triggering an action, call the corresponding API.

    Audio/Video Event Listening

    The audio/video event callback method handles events involving multiple users, mainly the camera enabling/disabling events.

    If QAV_EVENT_ID_ENDPOINT_HAS_CAMERA_VIDEO is detected, which indicates that a user enables the camera, add the rendered view of the user.
    If QAV_EVENT_ID_ENDPOINT_NO_CAMERA_VIDEO is detected, which indicates that a user disables the camera, remove the rendered view of the user.

    The frame of a rendered view is not fixed and needs to be calculated according to the current number of rendered views and product demands. In the Demo provided in this document, we demonstrate a layout that supports simultaneous display of 4 video streams. We place the primary screen of the rendered view on the lower layer, and the other 3 secondary screens horizontally above the primary screen. You can also define your own layout logic according to your needs.

    // Audio/video event callback
    - (BOOL)onEndpointsUpdateInfo:(QAVUpdateEvent)event updateList:(NSArray *)endpoints {
        if (endpoints.count <= 0) {
            return NO;
        for (QAVEndpoint *endpoint in endpoints) {
            switch (event) {
                     Create and add rendering views, pass userID and rendering image type. QAVVIDEO_SRC_TYPE_CAMERA (camera image) is entered here.
                    ILiveFrameDispatcher *frameDispatcher = [[ILiveRoomManager getInstance] getFrameDispatcher];
                    ILiveRenderViewForMac  *renderView = [frameDispatcher addRenderAt:CGRectZero forIdentifier:endoption.identifier srcType:QAVVIDEO_SRC_TYPE_CAMERA];
                    renderView.identifier = endoption.identifier;
                    // The number of users enabling the camera in the room changes and the rendered views are laid out again
                    [self updateVideoFrame:renderView];
                    // Remove a rendered view
                    ILiveFrameDispatcher *frameDispatcher = [[ILiveRoomManager getInstance] getFrameDispatcher];
                    ILiveRenderViewForMac  *renderView = [frameDispatcher removeRenderViewFor:endoption.identifier srcType:QAVVIDEO_SRC_TYPE_CAMERA];
                    [renderView removeFromSuperview];
                     // The number of users enabling the camera in the room changes and the rendered views are laid out again
                     [self updateVideoFrame:nil];
        return YES;
    // This is called when the number of users enabling the camera in the room changes to re-layout all the rendered views
    - (void)updateVideoFrame:(ILiveRenderViewForMac *)renderView{
        if (renderView && ![self.window.contentView.subviews containsObject:renderView]) {
            [self.videoLayoutView addSubview:renderView];
        NSArray *allRenderView = [[[ILiveRoomManager getInstance] getFrameDispatcher] getAllRenderViews];
        if (allRenderView.count == 1) {
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *bigView = allRenderView[0];
            bigView.frame = CGRectMake(0,  0, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.height - 20);
            [bigView viewWithTag:1001].frame = CGRectMake(bigView.frame.size.width/2, bigView.frame.size.height - 10, 300, 20);
        else if (allRenderView.count == 2){
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *bigView = allRenderView[0];
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *smallView1 = allRenderView[1];
            bigView.frame = CGRectMake(0,  0, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.height  - 160 );
            smallView1.frame = CGRectMake(self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width/2 - 90, self.window.frame.size.height - 150, 180, 120);
        else if (allRenderView.count == 3){
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *bigView = allRenderView[0];
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *smallView1 = allRenderView[1];
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *smallView2 = allRenderView[2];
            bigView.frame = CGRectMake(0,  0, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.height - 160 );
            smallView1.frame = CGRectMake(self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width/2 - 180 - 10, self.window.frame.size.height - 150, 180, 120);
            smallView2.frame = CGRectMake(self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width/2 + 10, self.window.frame.size.height - 150, 180, 120);
        else if (allRenderView.count == 4 || allRenderView.count > 4 ){
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *bigView = allRenderView[0];
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *smallView1 = allRenderView[1];
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *smallView2 = allRenderView[2];
            ILiveRenderViewForMac *smallView3 = allRenderView[3];
            bigView.frame = CGRectMake(0,  0, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width, self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.height  - 160 );
            smallView1.frame = CGRectMake(self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width/2 - 180 - 90 - 10, self.window.frame.size.height - 150, 180, 120);
            smallView2.frame = CGRectMake(self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width/2 - 90, self.window.frame.size.height - 150, 180, 120);
            smallView3.frame = CGRectMake(self.videoLayoutView.frame.size.width/2 + 90 + 10, self.window.frame.size.height - 150, 180, 120);


    1. When adding rendered views, you don't need to worry about duplication. The SDK only allows adding one rendered view of the same type of video source for the same user.
    2. The SDK only allows a maximum of 10 rendered views in it.


    Failed to enter a room, and was prompted for required permission?

    Make sure that the room ticket field (privateMapKey) is configured correctly.
    The privateMapKey field is required for new users, and existing users (do not need room tickets) need to configure [[ILiveSDK getInstance] setChannelMode:E_ChannelIMRestAPI withHost:@""]; at initialization

    [[ILiveSDK getInstance] setChannelMode:E_ChannelIMSDK withHost:@""];

    Failed to change the role. Error code is -1.

    This means that the configuration backend cannot find the role to be changed to. Check whether the role name is entered correctly (case-sensitive).


    If you have any questions, send us an email to trtcfb@qq.com.

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