tencent cloud


Web&H5 (Vue3)

Last updated: 2024-04-28 14:56:43
    This document elucidates the rapid integration of the TUICallKit component. Within a mere span of ten minutes, you will accomplish several pivotal steps, culminating in a comprehensive User Interface with video call functionality.
    Desktop Version
    Mobile Version
    Video Call
    Audio Call
    One-to-One Call
    Group call

    TUICallKit Demo Experience

    If you want to directly try out audio and video calling,please enter the Demo experience page.
    If you want to quickly implement a new project, directly read Web Demo Quick Start.

    Environment preparations

    Node.js Version: Node.js ≥ v12.13.0 (the official LTS version is recommended, please ensure that the npm version matches the node version).
    Modern browser, supporting WebRTC APIs.

    Step 1. Activate the service

    Before using the Audio and Video Services provided by Tencent Cloud, you need to go to the Console and activate the service for your application. For detailed steps, refer to Activate Service.

    Step Two: Create a Vue3 Project

    1. If you haven't installed Vue CLI yet, you can install it in the terminal or cmd as follows:
    npm install -g @vue/cli
    2. Create a project through Vue CLI and select the configuration items depicted below.
    vue create tuicallkit-demo
    3. After completing the project creation, switch to the project directory.
    cd tuicallkit-demo

    Step Three: Download the TUICallKit Component

    1. Download the @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue component via npm and use it in your project.
    npm install @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue
    2. Copy the debug directory to your project.
    cp -r node_modules/@tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue/debug ./src
    xcopy node_modules\\@tencentcloud\\call-uikit-vue\\debug .\\src\\debug /i /e

    Step Four: Include the TUICallKit Component

    1. The following code example includes four parameters: SDKAppID, SDKSecretKey, userID, and callUserID.
    SDKAppID: The Audio and Video Application's SDKAppID created in Tencent Cloud, refer to Activate the Service.
    SDKSecretKey: User Signature, refer to Activate the Service.
    userID: The caller's userID. It's a string type that can only include English letters (a to z and A to Z), numbers (0 to 9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
    callUserID: The called party's userID which must already exist for initialisation. (Within the demo, input the callUserID if there is a callee, otherwise if there isn't a callee it can be left blank).
    2. In tuicallkit-demo/App.vue, include the following code.
    Note: The TUICallKit component needs to be placed inside a DOM node to display and control the position, width, height, and other styles of the TUICallKit.
    <div style="padding: 20px 0 0 20px">
    <div><span>userID:</span><input type="text" v-model="userID" /></div>
    <div style="margin-top: 6px;"><span>callUserID:</span><input type="text" v-model="callUserID" /></div>
    <button @click="init()" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 0; height: 28px;"> Step 1: Initialization </button>
    <button @click="call()" style="margin: 10px 10px 10px 0; height: 28px;"> Step 2: Start 1v1 video call </button>
    <div style="width: 50rem; height: 35rem; border: 1px solid salmon;">
    <TUICallKit />
    <script lang="ts" setup>
    import { ref } from 'vue';
    import { TUICallKit, TUICallKitServer, TUICallType } from "@tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue";
    import * as GenerateTestUserSig from "./debug/GenerateTestUserSig-es";
    const userID = ref('');
    const callUserID = ref('');
    const SDKAppID = 0; // Replace with your SDKAppID
    const SDKSecretKey = ''; // Replace with your SDKSecretKey
    async function init() {
    try {
    const { userSig } = GenerateTestUserSig.genTestUserSig({
    userID: userID.value,
    SecretKey: SDKSecretKey,
    await TUICallKitServer.init({ //[1]Initialize the TUICallKit component
    userID: userID.value,
    alert("[TUICallKit] Initialization success.");
    } catch (error: any) {
    alert(`[TUICallKit] Initialization failed. Reason: ${error}`);
    async function call() { //[2]Make a 1v1 video call
    try {
    await TUICallKitServer.call({ userID: callUserID.value, type: TUICallType.VIDEO_CALL });
    } catch (error: any) {
    alert(`[TUICallKit] Call failed. Reason: ${error}`);

    Step Five: Make your first phone call

    In the terminal, input npm run serve to run tuicallkit-demo.
    Alert: Visit locally through localhost protocol, for details refer to Network access protocol description.
    Press the Step 1: Initialization button, the pop-up Initialization successful indicates the successful initialization.
    Click on Step 2: Start 1v1 video call to initiate a 1v1 video call, the actual effect is demonstrated in the following image.

    Additional Features


    If you encounter any issues during integration and use, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions.

    Technical Consultation

    If you have any requirements or feedback, you can contact: info_rtc@tencent.com.
    Contact Us

    Contact our sales team or business advisors to help your business.

    Technical Support

    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

    7x24 Phone Support