tencent cloud


trtc-electron-education APIs

Last updated: 2022-02-11 16:18:24

    The trtc-electron-education component is a secondary encapsulation of TRTC and IM capabilities used in real-time interactive teaching scenarios. In addition to basic audio/video chat and screen sharing capabilities, it also offers various teaching features such as Q&A, raise hand, invite, and end answering for online education scenarios.
    trtc-electron-education is an open-source npm component depending on two closed-source Tencent Cloud SDKs. For the specific implementation process, please see Real-Time Interactive Teaching (Electron).

    • TRTC SDK: the TRTC SDK is used as the low-latency audio/video call component.
    • IM SDK: the IM SDK is used to send and process signaling messages.

    Component Integration

    // Import by using YARN
    yarn add trtc-electron-education
    // Import by using npm
    npm i trtc-electron-education --save

    Component Parameters

    The required key parameters are as detailed below:

    Parameter Type Description
    sdkAppId number SDKAppID, which is required and can be viewed in the TRTC Console.
    userID string User ID, which is required and can be specified by your account system.
    userSig string Identity signature, which is required and acts as the login password. It can be calculated based on the userID. For more information on the calculation method, please see How to Calculate UserSig.

    Initialization Sample

    import TrtcElectronEducation from 'trtc-electron-education';
    const rtcClient = new TrtcElectronEducation({
       sdkAppId: 1400***803,
       userID: '123'
       userSig: 'eJwtzM9****-reWMQw_'

    Component Overview

    Basic APIs

    on(EventCode, handler, context)

    This API is used to listen on the events delivered by the component.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    EventCode String Event code
    handler Function Listener function
    context Object Current execution context

    Sample code:

    const EVENT = rtcClient.EVENT
    rtcClient.on(EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onMessageReceived);

    off(EventCode, handler)

    This API is used to cancel listening on events.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    EventCode String Event code
    handler Function Named listener function to be canceled

    Sample code:

    const EVENT = rtcClient.EVENT
    rtcClient.off(EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onMessageReceived);

    createRoom(params: CreateRoomParams)

    This API is used by the teacher to create a classroom.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID
    nickName string Nickname
    avatar string Profile photo address, which is optional

    Sample code:

    interface CreateRoomParams {
     classId: number; // Classroom ID
     nickName: string; // Nickname
     avatar?:string; // Profile photo address
    rtcClient.createRoom(params).then(() => {

    destroyRoom(classId: number)

    This API is used by the teacher to exit and terminate a classroom.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID

    Sample code:


    enterRoom(params: EnterRoomParams)

    This API is used by the teacher to start teaching or by the student to enter the classroom and prepare to listen.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID
    nickName string Nickname
    role string Role. Valid values: teacher, student
    avatar string Profile photo address, which is optional

    Sample code:

    interface EnterRoomParams {
     role: string; // Role
     classId: number; // Classroom ID
     nickName?: string; // Nickname
     avatar?:string; // Profile photo address
    rtcClient.enterRoom(params).then(() => {

    exitRoom(role:string, classId: number)

    This API is used by the teacher to end teaching or by the student to exit the classroom.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID
    role string Role. Valid values: teacher, student

    Sample code:

    rtcClient.exitRoom(role, classId);

    Raise hand APIs

    #### startQuestionTime(classId: number) This API is used by the teacher to start Q&A. The teacher broadcasts a notification, and the student receives the Q&A start event and can raise hand. Parameters:
    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID

    Sample code:



    This API is used by the student to raise hand. The student sends a raise hand notification, which will be received by the teacher.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:


    inviteToPlatform(userID: string)

    This API is used by the teacher to invite a student to answer a question. The teacher selects the userID of a student in the "raise hand" list and sends an invitation notification. The invited student will receive the invitation event and mic on. If no student raises hand, the teacher can directly select a student. The selected student will receive the answering invitation event and mic on.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    userID string User ID

    Sample code:

    rtcClient.inviteToPlatform(userID).then(() => {

    finishAnswering(userID: string)

    This API is used to end answering. The teacher ends answering by the student. The student receives the answering end notification and exits co-anchoring.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    userID string User ID

    Sample code:

    rtcClient.finishAnswering(userID).then(() => {

    stopQuestionTime(classId: number)

    This API is used to stop Q&A. The teacher stops Q&A, and students receive the Q&A stop notification. The co-anchoring student needs to stop co-anchoring and disable the "raise hand" feature.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID

    Sample code:


    Push/Pull APIs


    This API is used to get the list of windows for screen sharing.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:


    startScreenCapture(source: SourceParam)

    This API is used to select the shared screen and start push.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    type number Capturing source type
    sourceId string Capturing source ID. For a window, this field indicates a window handle; for a screen, this field indicates a screen ID
    sourceName string Capturing source name encoded in UTF-8

    Sample code:

    interface SourceParam {
     type: number; // Capturing source type
     sourceId: string; // Capturing source ID
     sourceName: string; // Capturing source name encoded in UTF-8

    startRemoteView(params: RemoteParams)

    This API is used to start displaying the remote video image or screen sharing image.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    userID string User ID
    streamType number Image type. 1: big image; 2: small image; 3: screen sharing
    view HTMLElement DOM that carries the displayed image

    Sample code:

    interface RemoteParams {
     userID: string; // User ID
     streamType: number; // Image type. 1: big image; 2: small image; 3: screen sharing
     view: HTMLElement; // DOM that carries the displayed image
    const view = document.getElementById('localVideo');
     userID: userID,
     streamType: 1,// 1: big image; 2: small image; 3: screen sharing
     view: view

    stopRemoteView(params: StopRemoteParams)

    This API is used to stop displaying the remote video image or screen sharing image and pulling the data stream from the remote user.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    userID string User ID
    streamType number Image type. 1: big image; 2: small image; 3: screen sharing

    Sample code:

    interface StopRemoteParams {
     userID: string; // User ID
     streamType: number; // Image type. 1: big image; 2: small image; 3: screen sharing
      userID: userID,
      streamType: 1 // 1: big image; 2: small image; 3: screen sharing

    Message sending/receiving APIs

    sendTextMessage(params: MessageParams)

    This API is used to send a message in the chat room.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID
    message string Message text

    Sample code:

    interface MessageParams {
     classId: number; // Classroom ID
     message: string; // Message text
    rtcClient.sendTextMessage(params).then(() => {

    sendCustomMessage(userID: string, data: string)

    This API is used to send a custom C2C message.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    userID string User ID
    data string Custom message

    Sample code:

    rtcClient.sendCustomMessage(userID, JSON.stringify(params)

    sendGroupCustomMessage(classId: number, data: string)

    This API is used to send a custom group message.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    classId number Classroom ID
    data string Custom message

    Sample code:

    rtcClient.sendGroupCustomMessage(classId, JSON.stringify(params))

    Device operation APIs

    openCamera(view: HTMLElement)

    This API is used to enable the camera.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    view HTMLElement DOM that carries the displayed image

    Sample code:

    const domEle = document.getElementById('localVideo');


    This API is used to disable the camera.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:



    This API is used to get the list of cameras.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:



    This API is used to set the camera. The parameter is a device ID obtained from getCameraDevicesList.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    deviceId string Device ID

    Sample code:



    This API is used to enable the mic.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:



    This API is used to disable the mic.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:



    This API is used to get the list of mics.
    Parameters: none
    Sample code:



    This API is used to set the mic. The parameter is a device ID obtained from getMicDevicesList.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    micId string Device ID

    Sample code:


    setBeautyStyle(params: BeautyParams)

    This API is used to set the effect levels of beauty, brightening, and rosy skin filters.

    Parameter Name Type Description
    beautyStyle number 1: smooth, which is suitable for shows since it has more obvious effect
    2: natural, which retains more facial details and seems more natural subjectively
    beauty number Effect level of the beauty filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect
    white number Effect level of the brightening filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect
    ruddiness number Effect level of the rosy skin filter. Value range: 0–9; 0 indicates that the filter is disabled, and the greater the value, the more obvious the effect. This parameter does not take effect on Windows currently

    Sample code:

    interface BeautyParams {
     beautyStyle: number;// Smooth or natural
     beauty: number; // Effect level of beauty filter
     white: number; // Effect level of brightening filter
     ruddiness: number; // Effect level of rosy skin filter
    beautyStyle: 1,
    beauty: 5,
    white: 5,
    ruddiness: 5

    Component Events

    Sample code

    const EVENT = rtcClient.EVENT
    rtcClient.on(EVENT.STUDENT_RAISE_HAND, () => {
      // A student raises hand

    Detailed events

    Code Description
    ENTER_ROOM_SUCCESS Entered room successfully
    LEAVE_ROOM_SUCCESS Exited room successfully
    TEACHER_ENTER The teacher entered the room
    TEACHER_LEAVE The teacher exited the room
    STUDENT_ENTER The student entered the room
    STUDENT_LEAVE The student exited the room
    SCREEN_SHARE_ADD The teacher started screen sharing
    SCREEN_SHARE_REMOVE The teacher stopped screen sharing
    REMOTE_VIDEO_ADD A remote video stream was added. This notification will be received when a remote user publishes a video stream
    REMOTE_VIDEO_REMOVE A remote video stream was removed. This notification will be received when a remote user cancels video stream release
    REMOTE_AUDIO_ADD A remote audio stream was added
    REMOTE_AUDIO_REMOVE A remote audio stream was removed
    ROOM_DESTROYED The room was terminated
    STUDENT_RAISE_HAND A student raised hand
    BE_INVITED_TO_PLATFORM A student was invited to answer
    ANSWERING_FINISHED Answering ended, and audio was muted
    MESSAGE_RECEIVED A message was received
    KICKED_OUT The same account logged in at another place and was kicked out
    ERROR Exception
    WARNING Warning
    </span id="startquestiontime">
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