tencent cloud


React Native

Last updated: 2024-01-31 15:28:33
    This document describes how to quickly integrate the Tencent Cloud IM SDK into your React Native project.

    Environment Requirements

    React Native
    2.2.0 or later
    Android Studio 3.5 or later; devices on Android 4.1 or later for applications
    Xcode 11.0 or later. For testing with a real device, make sure that your project has a valid developer signature.

    Integrating the IM SDK

    You can directly integrate the IM SDK for React Native by using nmp.

    Integration through npm

    Enter the following command in the terminal window:
    # npm
    npm install react-native-tim-js
    # yarn
    yarn add react-native-tim-js
    # RN >= 0.60
    cd ios && pod install
    # RN < 0.60
    react-native link react-native-tim-js

    Importing and initializing the SDK

    import { TencentImSDKPlugin } from "react-native-tim-js";
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    Technical Support

    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

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