tencent cloud


Third-party extension

Last updated: 2024-02-06 09:23:08
    The workspace page supports embedding our business system using an iframe to address the interaction issue between the workspace and the business system.

    Third-party extensions showcase


    Operation step

    Access the Console, click on General Settings > Third-party extensions on the navigation bar to enter the Third-party extensions page, and click Add Third-party extensions button.
    1. Fill out the following information in the dialog box for adding an Third-party extension:
    Page Name: The name displayed on the third-party extension in the workspace.
    URL: The third-party extension only supports URL with HTTPS protocol. For example: https://andon.XXXX.com/ticket/list/
    Always visible: After enabling, third-party extension will be displayed persistently; otherwise, it will only be shown when a session is incoming.
    Status: The third-party extension will be effective after it is enabled.
    2. Once configuration is complete, simply refresh the workspace page to view the changes.

    Send custom cards on the third-party extension

    Operation step

    You can send card message to the current online session by calling ccc-sdk in your business system. The card message supports four fields: title, description, image, and the webpage URL to jump to after clicking.
    The calling method is as follows:
    source: 'ccc-sdk',
    payload: {
    event: 'sendCard',
    message: {
      header: 'This is the title',  
    desc: 'This is the description', 
    pic: 'https://cloudcache.tencent-cloud.com/qcloud/portal/kit/images/presale.a4955999.jpeg',  
    url: 'https://www.qcloud.com/'
    }, '*')

    Send custom message on the third-party extension

    Operation step

    You can send custom message to the current online session by calling ccc-sdk in your business system. The custom message supports four fields: title, description, image, and the accompanying custom field.
    The calling method is as follows:
    source: 'ccc-sdk',
    payload: {
    event: 'sendCustomMessage',
    message: {
    title: 'This is the title',// Required parameter: custom message title
    description: 'This is the description',// Required parameter. Description of the custom message
    // Required parameter. Image URL of the custom message
    iconUrl: 'https://cloudcache.tencent-cloud.com/qcloud/portal/kit/images/presale.a4955999.jpeg',
    fromPostMessage: 1,// Please do not remove the flag for sending messages.
    extension: {
    extenson: 1,
    },// Custom fields of the custom message

    Send text message on the third-party extension

    Operation step

    You can send text message to the current online session by calling ccc-sdk in your business system.
    The calling method is as follows:
    source: 'ccc-sdk',
    payload: {
    event: 'sendTextMessage',
    message: 'test', // message test
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