tencent cloud


Elastic Scaling with EKS for IDC-Based Cluster

Last updated: 2022-10-19 16:39:53

    Use Cases

    As your IDC resources may be limited, if you need to handle business traffic surges, the computing resources in your IDC may be insufficient to meet the requirements. In this case, you can use public cloud resources to handle temporary traffic. Based on custom scheduling policies and by leveraging TKE Serverless Container Service, TKE Resilience Chart adds supernodes to elastically migrate workloads in your IDC cluster to the cloud, so your cluster can get greater elastic scalability and enjoy the following benefits:

    1. The hardware and maintenance costs of your IDC/private cloud do not increase.
    2. You can implement high availability for applications at the IDC/private cloud grade and public cloud grade.
    3. You can use public cloud resources as needed in a pay-as-you-go manner.


    1. You have activated TKE Serverless cluster.
    2. Your IDC is connected to a VPC through Direct Connect over the private network.
    3. The address of the API server in the IDC cluster can be accessed over the VPC.
    4. Your own IDC cluster can access the public network, as it needs to call TencentCloud APIs over the public network.

    TKE Resilience Chart Feature Description

    Component description

    TKE Resilience Chart mainly consists of a supernode manager, scheduler, and toleration controller as detailed below:

    Alias Component Name Description
    eklet Supernodes manager It manages the lifecycle of PodSandboxes and provides APIs related to native kubelet and nodes.
    tke-scheduler Scheduler It migrates workloads to the cloud elastically according to scheduling policies and is only installed in non-TKE Kubernetes Distro K8s clusters. TKE Kubernetes Distro is a K8s distribution released by TKE to help you create exactly the same K8s cluster in TKE. Currently, it has been open sourced at GitHub. For more information, please see TKE Kubernetes Distro.
    admission-controller Toleration controller It adds a toleration to a Pod in pending status to make it able to be scheduled to a supernode.

    Main features

    1. If you want to connect an TKE Serverless Pod to a Pod in your local cluster, the local cluster should be in an underlay network model (where a CNI plugin based on BGP routing instead of SDN encapsulation, such as Calico, is used), and you need to add the local Pod's CIDR block routing information in the VPC. For more information, see Interconnection Between Cluster in GlobalRouter Mode and IDC
    2. The workload resilience feature switch AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true|false is available in global and local dimensions respectively to control whether workloads in pending status should be elastically scheduled to EKS as detailed below:
    • Global switch: AUTO_SCALE_EKS in kubectl get cm -n kube-system eks-config is enabled by default.
    • Local switch: spec.template.metadata.annotations ['AUTO_SCALE_EKS']
      Global Switch Local Switch Behavior
      AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true AUTO_SCALE_EKS=false Successfully scheduled
      AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true Undefined Successfully scheduled
      AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true Successfully scheduled
      AUTO_SCALE_EKS=false AUTO_SCALE_EKS=false Failed to be scheduled
      AUTO_SCALE_EKS=false Undefined Failed to be scheduled
      AUTO_SCALE_EKS=false AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true Successfully scheduled
      Undefined AUTO_SCALE_EKS=false Successfully scheduled
      Undefined Undefined Successfully scheduled
      Undefined AUTO_SCALE_EKS=true Successfully scheduled
    1. If you use K8s community edition, you need to specify the scheduler as tke-scheduler in workloads. In TKE Kubernetes Distro, you don't need to specify the scheduler.
    2. In the workloads, set the number of retained replicas in the local cluster through LOCAL_REPLICAS: N.
    3. Workload scale-out:
    • If the local cluster resources are insufficient and the settings of the global and local switches for the "successfully scheduled" behavior are satisfied, workloads in pending status will be scaled out to EKS.
    • If the number of actually created workload replicas reaches N and the settings of the global and local switches for the "successfully scheduled" behavior are satisfied, workloads in pending status will be scaled out to TKE Serverless cluster.
    1. Workload scale-in:
    • For TKE Kubernetes Distro, instances in TKE Serverless cluster will be scaled in preferentially.
    • For K8s community edition, workloads will be scaled in randomly.
    1. Scheduling rule restrictions:
    • DaemonSet Pods cannot be scheduled to supernodes. This feature is available only in TKE Kubernetes Distro. In K8s community edition, DaemonSet Pods will be scheduled to supernodes but DaemonsetForbidden will be displayed.
    • Pods in kube-system and tke-eni-ip-webhook namespaces cannot be scheduled to supernodes.
    • Ports whose securityContext.sysctls ["net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range"] value includes 61000–65534 cannot be scheduled.
    • Pods in Pod.Annotations [tke.cloud.tencent.com/vpc-ip-claim-delete-policy] cannot be scheduled.
    • Ports whose container (initContainer).ports [].containerPort (hostPort) value includes 61000–65534 cannot be scheduled.
    • Ports with a container (initContainer) where the probe points to 61000–65534 cannot be scheduled.
    • PersistentVolumes (PVs) except nfs, Cephfs, hostPath, and qcloudcbs cannot be scheduled.
    • Pods with fixed IP enabled cannot be scheduled to supernodes.
    1. Supernodes support custom DNS configuration: after you add the eks.tke.cloud.tencent.com/resolv-conf annotation to a supernode, /etc/resolv.conf in the generated CVM instance will be updated to the custom content.

      The original DNS configuration on the supernodes will be overwritten, and your custom configuration will prevail.

      eks.tke.cloud.tencent.com/resolv-conf: |


    Getting tke-resilience helm chart

    git clone https://github.com/tkestack/charts.git

    Configuring relevant information

    Edit charts/incubator/tke-resilience/values.yaml and configure the following information:

     appID: "{Tencent Cloud account APPID}"
     ownerUIN: "{Tencent Cloud account ID}"
     secretID: "{Tencent Cloud account secretID}"
     secretKey: "{Tencent Cloud account secretKey}"
     vpcID: "{ID of the VPC where the EKS Pod resides}"
     regionShort: "{Abbreviation of the region where the EKS Pod resides}"
     regionLong: "{Full name of the region where the EKS Pod resides}"
       - id: "{ID of the subnet where the EKS Pod resides}"
         zone: "{AZ where the EKS Pod resides}" 
     PodUsedApiserver: "{API server address of the current cluster}"

    For more information on the regions and AZs where TKE Serverless container service is available, please see Regions and AZs.

    Installing TKE Resilience Chart

    You can use the local Helm client to connect to the cluster.

    Run the following command to use a Helm chart to install TKE Resilience Chart in a third-party cluster:

    helm install tke-resilience --namespace kube-system ./tke-resilience --debug

    Run the following command to check whether the required components in the Helm application are installed. This document uses a TKE Kubernetes Distro cluster with no tke-scheduler installed as an example.

    # kubectl get Pod -n kube-system | grep resilience
    eklet-tke-resilience-5f9dcd99df-rgsmc           1/1     Running   0          43h
    eks-admission-tke-resilience-5bb588dc44-9hvhs   1/1     Running   0          44h

    You can see that one supernode has been deployed in the cluster.

    # kubectl get node
    NAME                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
    10.0.1.xx               Ready    <none>   2d4h   v1.20.4-tke.1
    10.0.1.xx               Ready    master   2d4h   v1.20.4-tke.1
    eklet-subnet-xxxxxxxx   Ready    <none>   43h    v2.4.6

    Creating test case

    Create a demo application nginx-deployment, which has four replicas (three in TKE Serverless cluster and one in the local cluster). Below is the sample YAML configuration:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
     name: nginx-deployment
       app: nginx
     replicas: 4
       type: RollingUpdate
         app: nginx
           AUTO_SCALE_EKS: "true"
           LOCAL_REPLICAS: "1" # Set the number of running replicas in the local cluster to 1
           app: nginx
         #schedulerName: tke-scheduler If it is a third-party cluster, you need to run the scheduler as `tke-scheduler`
         - name: nginx
           image: nginx
           imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

    Check whether the replica status and distribution meet the expectations.

    # kubectl get Pod -owide
    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP            NODE                    NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-cq9ds   1/1     Running   0          27s   10.0.1.xxx              <none>           <none>
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-s9vzc   1/1     Running   0          27s    eklet-subnet-xxxxxxxx   <none>           <none>
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-sd4z5   1/1     Running   0          27s      eklet-subnet-xxxxxxxx   <none>           <none>
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-z86tx   1/1     Running   0          27s    eklet-subnet-xxxxxxxx   <none>           <none>

    Check the scale-in feature. As a TKE Kubernetes Distro cluster is used, TKE Serverless cluster instances will be scaled in preferentially. Here, the number of application replicas is adjusted from 4 to 3.

    # kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=3

    As shown below, replicas in Tencent Cloud are scaled in first, which meets the expectation:

    # kubectl get Pod -owide
    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP            NODE                    NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-cq9ds   1/1     Running   0          7m38s   10.0.1.xxx              <none>           <none>
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-s9vzc   1/1     Running   0          7m38s    eklet-subnet-xxxxxxxx   <none>           <none>
    nginx-deployment-77b9b9bc97-sd4z5   1/1     Running   0          7m38s      eklet-subnet-xxxxxxxx   <none>           <none>
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