tencent cloud


MPI Operator

Last updated: 2022-10-12 11:37:14


    Developed by the Kubeflow community, MPI-Operator is an add-on used to help deploy and execute data-parallel distributed training such as Horovod in a Kubernetes cluster.

    After deployment, you can create, view, and delete MPI jobs.

    Prerequisite dependencies

    Kubernetes cluster (v1.16 or later)


    During Helm deployment, all configuration items are included in values.yaml.

    Some fields may need to be customized, as listed below:

    Parameter Description Default Value
    image.repository The repository where the MPI-Operator image resides ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/kubeflow-oteam/mpi-operator
    image.tag MPI-Operator image version "latest"
    namespace.create Whether to create a separate namespace for MPI-Operator true
    namespace.name The namespace where MPI-Operator is to be deployed "mpi-operator"
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