tencent cloud


Service Access across Regions

Last updated: 2023-06-01 11:22:54

    Operation Scenarios

    This article introduces how to enable Pods/Svc from different edge regions to access each other through the cloud-edge Tunnel (currently only supporting Layer 7 http/https protocols). For example, a Pod in the Nanjing region can successfully access an Nginx service in the Beijing region, and vice versa.


    As illustrated in the diagram above, the edge node tunnel-edge will establish a bidirectional tunnel with the cloud tunnel-cloud. The tunnel-edge will open the local 8080 port as the http/https proxy port. If an edge Pod needs to access other regions' Pod IPs or services through a proxy, you can specify the http_proxy or https_proxy environment variable within the Pod. This will forward the http/https traffic through the tunnel to the cloud or other edge nodes in different regions.
    At the product level, the platform uses the webhook method to conveniently specify proxies for you. You can set the label http-proxy=enable in the workload to enable proxy mode. When this is done, the corresponding Pods of the workload will automatically inject the relevant environment variables, such as http_proxy=

    Operation Steps

    1. Log in to the TKE console.
    2. On the cluster management page, click the cluster ID to enter the cluster details page.
    3. Select "Add-on management" and enter the add-on list page.
    4. Click "Create", enter the "Create add-on" page.
    5. Select "http-proxy-pod-webhook" and click "Done", as follow:
    6. To verify the across-region access feature, create deployment in different regions as follows:
    Add "http-proxy=enable" label to the deployment, then the webhook of the step 5 will inject http_proxy in the Pod environment, as follow:
    After the 2 deployments deployed, you'll check the status of these deployments:
    Each deployment must use the scheduler to assign the pod to the specific node. For example, echo-bj is assigned to "bj-1" and nginx-gz is assigned to "gz-2"
    7. Login to "bj-1" node add access the pods of "gz-2", as follow:
    When accessing the pod of gz-2, you'll see the request is redirect to http_proxy ""
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