tencent cloud


Getting Started

Last updated: 2024-02-02 16:24:05

    Download and Installation

    Relevant resources

    Download the Cloud Object Storage (COS) XML Java SDK source code here.
    Download the XML Java SDK here.
    Download the demo here.
    For the complete sample code, see SDK Sample Code.
    For the SDK changelog, see Changelog.
    For SDK FAQs, see Java SDK FAQs.
    If you are using COS for the first time, or your data volume is small, in order to avoid the problems of unnecessary and cumbersome code troubleshooting and program positioning, we recommend you use the more user-friendly GUI-based console, COSBrowser, or COSCLI.
    If you encounter errors such as non-existent functions or methods when using the XML version of the SDK, please update the SDK to the latest version and try again.

    Environmental dependencies

    SDK supports JDK 1.8 or later. You can run the java -version command to query the Java version.
    For the JDK installation, see Java Installation and Configuration.
    For the definitions of terms such as SecretId, SecretKey, and Bucket, see COS Glossary.
    You can find common classes for the COS Java SDK in the following packages:
    The classes related to client configuration are in the com.qcloud.cos.* package.
    The classes related to permissions are in the com.qcloud.cos.auth.* sub-package.
    The classes related to exceptions are in the com.qcloud.cos.exception.* sub-package.
    The classes related to requests are in the com.qcloud.cos.model.* sub-package.
    The classes related to regions are in the com.qcloud.cos.region.* sub-package.
    The classes related to advanced APIs are in the com.qcloud.cos.transfer.* sub-package.

    Installing SDK

    You can install the Java SDK using Maven or source code:
    Using Maven Add required dependencies to the pom.xml file of your Maven project as follows:
    Using source code Download the source code from GitHub or here, and import it using Maven. For example, to import it into Eclipse, select File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects.

    Uninstalling SDK

    Uninstall the SDK by removing the POM dependencies or source code.

    Getting Started

    Before use, don't rush to write the code first. We recommend you spend two minutes conducting the following test to ensure that sent requests can arrive at the COS service. This helps you determine whether you will encounter any of the problems that most Java SDK users have encountered. The following test assumes that you are accessing the COS service in the Guangzhou region.

    Using ping to test

    [root@VM_centos /data/home/]# ping cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com
    PING cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com (9.*.*.*) xx(xx) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=1 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=2 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=3 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=4 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=5 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=6 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    64 bytes from 9.*.*.* (9.*.*.*): icmp_seq=7 ttl=xx time=0.xxx ms
    --- cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com ping statistics ---
    x packets transmitted, x received, 0% packet loss, time xxxms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.xxx/0.xxx/0.xxx/0.xxx ms
    If a result similar to the above is displayed, the basic network connectivity and name service are normal. If an abnormal result is returned, troubleshoot local network problems or contact your local network admin first. After confirming that everything is normal, proceed to the next step. On Windows, you can also click Start (or press Win+R) > Run (type cmd) > OK (or press Enter), type the ping cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com command, and press Enter to test.

    Using curl to test

    For access over HTTP:
    [root@VM_centos /data/home/]# curl http://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com -v
    * About to connect() to cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com port 80 (#0)
    * Trying 9.*.*.*...
    * Connected to cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com (9.*.*.*) port 80 (#0)
    > GET / HTTP/1.1
    > User-Agent: curl/*.*.0
    > Host: cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    < Content-Type: application/xml
    < Content-Length: XXX
    < Connection: keep-alive
    < Date: XXX XXX GMT
    < Server: tencent-cos
    < x-cos-request-id: NWE2MWQ5MjZfMTBhYzM1MGFfMTA5ODVfMTVj****
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
    <Message>Check auth failure because signature empty.</Message>
    <ServerTime>XXX XXX</ServerTime>
    * Connection #0 to host cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com left intact
    For access over HTTPS:
    [root@VM_centos /data/home/]# curl https://cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com -vk
    * About to connect() to cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com port 443 (#0)
    * Trying 9.*.*.*...
    * Connected to cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com (9.*.*.*) port 443 (#0)
    * Initializing NSS with certpath: XXXX
    * skipping SSL peer certificate verification
    * SSL connection using ******
    * Server certificate:
    * subject: CN=*.*.*.
    * start date: XXX XXX GMT
    * expire date: XXX XXX GMT
    * common name: *.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com
    * issuer: XXX
    > GET / HTTP/1.1
    > User-Agent: curl/*.*.0
    > Host: cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    < Content-Type: application/xml
    < Content-Length: XXX
    < Connection: keep-alive
    < Date: XXX XXX GMT
    < Server: tencent-cos
    < x-cos-request-id: NWE2MWQ5MjZfMTBhYzM1MGFfMTA5ODVfMTVj****
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
    <Message>Check auth failure because signature empty.</Message>
    <ServerTime>XXX XXX</ServerTime>
    * Connection #0 to host cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com left intact
    If a result similar to the above is displayed, the port connectivity is normal. If an abnormal result is returned, troubleshoot local network problems or contact your local network admin first. After confirming that everything is normal, proceed to the next step. On certain versions of Windows, you may need to install the Curl tool before you can run the test.
    The following describes how to use the COS Java SDK to complete basic operations, such as initializing the client, creating a bucket, querying a bucket list, uploading an object, querying an object list, downloading an object, and deleting an object. For the classes in the examples, you can click the class name in your IDE to view more details about all its fields and functions.

    Importing classes

    The COS Java SDK package is named com.qcloud.cos.*. You can import the classes required for running your program through your IDE, such as Eclipse and IntelliJ.

    Initializing the client

    We recommend you use a temporary key as instructed in Generating and Using Temporary Keys to call the SDK for security purposes. When you apply for a temporary key, follow the Notes on Principle of Least Privilege to avoid leaking resources besides your buckets and objects.
    If you must use a permanent key, we recommend you follow the Notes on Principle of Least Privilege to limit the scope of permission on the permanent key.
    Before making any request for COS services, you need to generate a COSClient class object for calling the COS APIs.
    COSClient is a thread-safe class that allows multi-thread access to the same instance. Because an instance maintains a connection pool internally, creating multiple instances may lead to resource exhaustion. Please ensure that there is only one instance in the program lifecycle, and call the shutdown method to turn off the instance when it is no longer needed. If you need to create a new instance, shut down the previous instance first.
    If you use a temporary key to initialize the COSClient (recommended), see Generating and Using Temporary Keys for more information on how to generate and use a temporary key. An example is shown below:
    // 1. Pass in the obtained temporary key (tmpSecretId, tmpSecretKey, sessionToken).
    String tmpSecretId = "SECRETID";
    String tmpSecretKey = "SECRETKEY";
    String sessionToken = "TOKEN";
    BasicSessionCredentials cred = new BasicSessionCredentials(tmpSecretId, tmpSecretKey, sessionToken);
    // 2. Set the bucket region.
    // `clientConfig` contains the set methods to set region, HTTPS (HTTP by default), timeout, and proxy. For detailed usage, see the source code or the FAQs about the SDK for Java.
    Region region = new Region("COS_REGION"); //COS_REGION parameter, which needs to be set to the actual region of the bucket, for example, ap-beijing. For the abbreviations for more COS regions, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(region);
    // 3. Generate a COS client
    COSClient cosClient = new COSClient(cred, clientConfig);
    You can also use a permanent key to initialize the COSClient (Not recommended. We recommend you not use this method in the production environment because the CMK may leak.). You can get the APPId, SecretId, and SecretKey on the Manage API Key page of the CAM console. An example is shown below:
    // 1. Initialize the user credentials (secretId, secretKey).
    // Log in to the [CAM console](https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi) to view and manage the `SecretId` and `SecretKey` of your project.
    SecretID: os.Getenv("SECRETID"), // User `SecretId`. We recommend you use a sub-account key and follow the principle of least privilege to reduce risks. For information about how to obtain a sub-account key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/598/37140?from_cn_redirect=1.
    SecretKey: os.Getenv("SECRETKEY"), // User `SecretKey`. We recommend you use a sub-account key and follow the principle of least privilege to reduce risks. For information about how to obtain a sub-account key, visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/598/37140?from_cn_redirect=1.
    COSCredentials cred = new BasicCOSCredentials(secretId, secretKey);
    // 2. Set the bucket region. For the abbreviations for COS regions, please visit https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/436/6224.
    // `clientConfig` contains the set methods to set region, HTTPS (HTTP by default), timeout, and proxy. For detailed usage, see the source code or the FAQs about the SDK for Java.
    Region region = new Region("COS_REGION");
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(region);
    // The HTTPS protocol is recommended.
    // Starting from 5.6.54, HTTPS is used by default.
    // 3. Generate a COS client.
    COSClient cosClient = new COSClient(cred, clientConfig);
    The ClientConfig class is a configuration class containing the following main members:
    Member Name
    Setting Method
    Constructor or set method
    Bucket region. For the abbreviations for COS regions, see Regions and Access Endpoints.
    Set method
    The protocol used by the request. By default, HTTPS is used to interact with COS.
    Set method
    Validity period (in seconds) of the request signature. Default: 3600s
    Set method
    Timeout duration in milliseconds for connection with COS. Default value: 30000 ms
    Set method
    Timeout duration in milliseconds for the client to read data. Default value: 30000 ms
    Set method
    Proxy server IP
    Set method
    Proxy server port

    Creating a bucket

    The following example creates a bucket for the selected region and bucket:
    String bucket = "examplebucket-1250000000"; // Bucket, formatted as BucketName-APPID
    CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest = new CreateBucketRequest(bucket);
    // Set the bucket permission to "Private" (private read and write). Other valid values are "PublicRead" (public read/private write) and "PublicReadWrite" (public read and write).
    Bucket bucketResult = cosClient.createBucket(createBucketRequest);
    } catch (CosServiceException serverException) {
    } catch (CosClientException clientException) {

    Querying the bucket list

    The following example queries a bucket list:
    List<Bucket> buckets = cosClient.listBuckets();
    for (Bucket bucketElement : buckets) {
    String bucketName = bucketElement.getName();
    String bucketLocation = bucketElement.getLocation();

    Uploading an object

    Upload a local file or input stream with a known length to COS. It is most suitable for uploading small image files below 20 MB. The maximum file size allowed is 5 GB. For files larger than 5 GB, you need to use multipart upload or an advanced upload API.
    The classes related to advanced APIs are in the com.qcloud.cos.transfer.\\* sub-package.
    If most of your local files are over 20 MB, you are advised to upload them with an advanced upload API.
    If an object with the same key already exists in COS, it will be overwritten by the newly-uploaded one.
    To create a directory object, see How to create a directory in the SDK?.
    An object key (Key) is the unique identifier of an object in a bucket. For example, in the object’s access endpoint examplebucket-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/images/picture.jpg, the object key is images/picture.jpg. For more information, see Object Key.
    The following example uploads a file up to 5 GB:
    // Specify the file to be uploaded.
    File localFile = new File(localFilePath);
    // Specify a bucket to store the file.
    String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    // Specify the COS path (i.e. the object key) to upload the file. For example, if the object key is "folder/picture.jpg", the file "picture.jpg" will be uploaded to the "folder" directory.
    String key = "exampleobject";
    PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, key, localFile);
    PutObjectResult putObjectResult = cosClient.putObject(putObjectRequest);

    Querying objects

    The following example queries the list of objects in a bucket:
    // Enter the bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`.
    String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest = new ListObjectsRequest();
    // Set the bucket name
    // Prefix indicates that the object keys to be listed begin with this prefix
    // Delimiter is a separator. Set it to "/" to list objects in the current directory; set it to null to list all objects.
    // Set the maximum number of objects to be traversed, which can be up to 1,000 in one listobject operation
    ObjectListing objectListing = null;
    do {
    objectListing = cosClient.listObjects(listObjectsRequest);
    } catch (CosServiceException e) {
    } catch (CosClientException e) {
    // `common prefix` indicates the path that ends with the `delimiter`. If the `delimiter` is set to "/", the `common prefix` indicates the paths of all subdirectories.
    List<String> commonPrefixs = objectListing.getCommonPrefixes();
    // The object summary shows all listed objects.
    List<COSObjectSummary> cosObjectSummaries = objectListing.getObjectSummaries();
    for (COSObjectSummary cosObjectSummary : cosObjectSummaries) {
    // File path key
    String key = cosObjectSummary.getKey();
    // `ETag` of the file
    String etag = cosObjectSummary.getETag();
    // File size
    long fileSize = cosObjectSummary.getSize();
    // File storage class
    String storageClasses = cosObjectSummary.getStorageClass();
    String nextMarker = objectListing.getNextMarker();
    } while (objectListing.isTruncated());

    Downloading an object

    Once an object is uploaded, you can download it by calling the GET Object API with the same key, or by generating a pre-signed URL (Please specify GET as the download method) to share to another device for download. Note that the pre-signed URL may be valid only for a limited period if your file is set to private-read. The following example downloads a file to a specified local path:
    // Enter the bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`.
    String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    // Specify the COS path (i.e. the object key) of the file to download. For example, if the object key is "folder/picture.jpg", the file "picture.jpg" in the "folder" directory will be downloaded.
    String key = "exampleobject";
    // Method 1. Get the input stream of the downloaded file.
    GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key);
    COSObject cosObject = cosClient.getObject(getObjectRequest);
    COSObjectInputStream cosObjectInput = cosObject.getObjectContent();
    // Download the CRC64 value of the object.
    String crc64Ecma = cosObject.getObjectMetadata().getCrc64Ecma();
    // Close the input stream.
    // Method 2: Download the file to a local directory, e.g. a directory in D drive.
    String outputFilePath = "exampleobject";
    File downFile = new File(outputFilePath);
    getObjectRequest = new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key);
    ObjectMetadata downObjectMeta = cosClient.getObject(getObjectRequest, downFile);

    Deleting an object

    You can delete an object in a specified path in COS with the following code:
    // Enter the bucket name in the format of `BucketName-APPID`.
    String bucketName = "examplebucket-1250000000";
    // Specify the COS path (i.e. the object key) of the file to delete. For example, if the object key is "folder/picture.jpg", the "picture.jpg" file in the "folder" directory will be deleted.
    String key = "exampleobject";
    cosClient.deleteObject(bucketName, key);

    Default retry policy

    By default, if requests initiated by COSClient via the SDK return error responses, they will be retried. The retry policy is as follows:
    Number of retries: defaults to 3. You can set it using clientConfig.setMaxErrorRetry. If set to 0, no retry will be performed on all types of request errors.
    Error types for retry: all client-side IOException, as well as server-side errors with the status codes 500, 502, 503, and 504
    You can also configure a retry policy as needed by referring to the following code:
    Setting the number of retries:
    Region region = new Region("COS_REGION");
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(region);
    // Set the maximum number of retries to 4.
    clientConfig.setMaxErrorRetry = 4;
    Setting the retry policy:
    // Customize a retry policy.
    public class OnlyIOExceptionRetryPolicy extends RetryPolicy {
    public <X extends CosServiceRequest> boolean shouldRetry(CosHttpRequest<X> request,
    HttpResponse response,
    Exception exception,
    int retryIndex) {
    // Retry only for client-side IOException.
    if (exception.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
    return true;
    return false;
    Region region = new Region("COS_REGION");
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(region);
    RetryPolicy myRetryPolicy = new OnlyIOExceptionRetryPolicy();
    // Configure the custom retry policy.

    Shutting down the client

    Shut down the COSClient and release the server threads connected over HTTP with the following code:
    // Close the client (release server threads).


    If you have any questions about Java SDK, see here.
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