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Cloud Object Storage
User Guide for Desktop Version
Last updated: 2024-04-17 14:40:00
User Guide for Desktop Version
Last updated: 2024-04-17 14:40:00

Download and Installation


OS Requirement
Download Link
Windows 7 32/64-bit or above, Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit or above
macOS 10.13 or above
Includes GUI and supports the AppImage format
Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer 10+


You can install the tool by using the installer or decompressing the installation package for your platform. You can also directly use it in browsers without installation.
To launch the client running CentOS, you need to run ./cosbrowser.AppImage --no-sandbox in the terminal.


You can log in to the COSBrowser desktop version using a permanent key, Tencent Cloud account, or a shared link. You can log in to an account on multiple devices at the same time.

Login with a permanent key

You can log in using your Tencent Cloud API key (SecretID and SecretKey), which can be created and obtained at Manage API Key in the CAM console. After you logged in successfully, the key will be saved to Historical Sessions. The login page and configuration items are as follows:
Bucket/Access Path: If the root account allows you to access only a specific bucket or directory with the currently used key, then this configuration item is required. After setting it, you can quickly enter the corresponding file path. The path format is Bucket or Bucket/Object-prefix; for example, if you are allowed to access only the doc folder in the examplebucket-1250000000 bucket with the current key, enter examplebucket-1250000000/doc.
Description: description of the permanent key entered, such as the operator and the usage. The description can be used to distinguish different SecretID when you manage the historical sessions on the historical key page.
Remember Session
If this box is not checked, the Tencent Cloud API key entered will be cleared when you log out (if the key has been saved to the historical sessions, it will be removed).
If this box is checked, the Tencent Cloud API key entered will be remembered and can be managed in the historical sessions.
You cannot log in to COSBrowser with a project key.

Login with a Tencent Cloud account

Click Login with Tencent Cloud Account and use your Tencent Cloud account to log in to COSBrowser Desktop Version in the pop-up window. You can log in to your Tencent Cloud account via email or sub-user. For detailed directions, see About Account.
You can log in to COSBrowser Desktop Version temporarily through the shared link and password forwarded or shared by another user. For more information, see Sharing file/folder.

Basic Features

COSBrowser for Windows v2.11.1 is used as an example here. For other versions, see Changelog.

1. Creating/Deleting bucket

Creating bucket
You can create a bucket directly via the client
1. In the bucket list, click Add Bucket in the upper-left corner.
2. Enter the bucket name correctly, and select your region and access permissions. You can also set bucket tags as needed.
3. Click OK.
Deleting bucket
Before you delete a bucket, ensure that all data in the bucket has been cleared
1. In the bucket list, click Delete on the right of the selected bucket.
2. Click OK.

2. Viewing bucket details

You can view bucket details by clicking Details on the right of the bucket list. Details include bucket name, region, access permissions, MAZ configuration, versioning status, global acceleration status, and bucket domain name.
The MAZ configuration currently is only supported in certain regions, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Singapore. For more information, see MAZ Feature Overview.

3. Viewing statistics

You can click > Statistics to view the bucket statistics, including the storage usage and the number of objects.

4. Managing permissions

You can use COSBrowser to manage permissions for buckets and objects.
Bucket permissions: Click Permission Management on the right of the bucket list.
Object permissions: Click Permission Management on the right of the object.
For more information about COS permissions, please see ACL Overview.

5. Setting versioning

You can use COSBrowser to enable/disable versioning for a bucket.
Click Details in the Operation column on the right of the bucket list. In the bucket details pop-up window, click the versioning icon.
For more information about versioning, see Versioning Overview.

6. Adding an access path

If you log in with a sub-account that does not have permission to access the bucket list, you can initiate an access via Add Access Path in the following two ways: (1) Add an access path directly on the login page and select the corresponding bucket region. Once you log in, you can manage your resources.

(2) Log in with your sub-account, click Add Path in the upper-left corner of the bucket list page, and enter a specified path to enter the bucket and manage its resources.

7. Uploading file/folder

Upload Feature
Uploading files
COSBrowser allows you to upload a single file or multiple files in batches in different ways.
You can upload files in the following ways. In the specified bucket or path:1. Click Upload Files to upload files directly. 2. Right-click in the blank space of the file list and select Upload Files to upload files. 3. Drag a file to the file list pane.
Uploading a folder and the files contained
If the name of the file/folder to upload already exists in the bucket or path, the old file/folder will be overwritten by default.
You can upload a folder in the following ways. In the specified bucket or path:1. Click Upload Folder to upload a folder directly. 2. Right-click in the blank space of the file list and select Upload Folder to upload a folder. 3. Drag a folder to the file list pane.
Incremental upload
Incremental upload compares the files to upload with existing files in the bucket before the upload. An existing file with the same name in the bucket will be skipped.
You can perform the following two steps to use incremental upload. In the specified bucket or path:1. Upload as you do with a folder and click Next.2. In Storage method, select Skip. Then, click Upload to begin the incremental upload.

If you need to upload files in batches, you are advised to use a computer with a 4-core CPU and 16 GB RAM, which allows you to upload up to 300,000 files at a time.

8. Downloading file/folder

Download Feature
Downloading files
COSBrowser allows you to download a single file or multiple files in batches in different ways.
You can download a file in the following ways:1. Select the desired file and click Download in the UI.2. Right-click the file and select Download.3. Drag the file to the local file system.
Downloading a folder and files contained
If the name of the file/folder to download already exists in the local file system, it will be renamed by default.
You can download a folder and the files contained in the following ways:1. Select the desired folder and click Download in the UI.2. Right-click the folder and select Download.3. Drag a folder to the local file system.
Incremental download
Incremental download compares the files to download with local files before the download. An existing file with the same name will be skipped.
You can perform the following steps to use incremental download:1. Right-click the desired file or folder.2. Click Advanced Download and select Skip in the pop-up window.3. Click Download Now to download the incremental unique file/folder.

If you need to download files in batches, you are advised to use a computer with a 4-core CPU and 16 GB RAM, which allows you to download up to 300,000 files at a time.

9. Deleting file/folder

Select the desired file/folder and click More > Delete at the top of the page or right-click the file/folder and select Delete to delete it. Batch deletion is supported.

10. Synchronizing file

The file synchronization feature allows you to upload specified files in your local folders to a bucket in real time or at a scheduled time. Detailed directions are as follows:
1. Click Toolbox > File Sync in the top-right corner of the page.
2. Configure the following information in the pop-up window.
Local Folder: Specify the local folder for file synchronization.
Bucket Path: Specify the destination COS bucket directory.
File Extension Filtering: Specify the filename extensions for filtering. Separate two extensions with a semicolon (;). Files with the specified extensions will be ignored.
Sync Type: You can select one-time, automatic, or scheduled sync and click Start Sync to enable file sync.

3. Click Sync Logs to view the file sync logs.
Synchronization means that when the file is uploaded, the system automatically identifies whether the same file exists in the bucket. Only files that do not exist in the bucket are synchronously uploaded.
Currently, only synchronizing local files to the bucket is supported. Reverse operation is not supported.
The file sync feature supports manual, automatic, and scheduled sync.

11. Copying and pasting file

To copy a file/folder, select the desired file/folder in the specified bucket/path and click Copy in More at the top of the UI. Alternatively, you can right-click it and select Copy. After the file/folder is successfully copied, you can paste it to another bucket or path. You can copy and paste multiple files/folders in batches.
If the name of the file/folder to paste already exists in the destination path, the old file/folder will be overwritten by default.

12. Renaming file

Select a file you want to rename, right-click, and select Rename. Alternatively, you can click Rename in More Actions on the right of the file. Then, enter your file name, and click OK.
Folders cannot be renamed.

13. Creating folder

To create a folder in the specified bucket or path, click Create Folder in the UI, or right-click in the UI and select Create Folder, enter the folder name, and click OK.
The folder name can contain up to 255 characters, including digits, letters, and visible characters.
The folder name cannot contain special characters such as \\ / : * ? " | < >.
.. cannot be used as the folder name.
The folder cannot be renamed.

14. Viewing file details

To view the details of a file, tap its filename or right-click it and select Detail. File details include filename, file size, modification time, access permission, storage class, ETag, headers, endpoint, object location, and an option to create a temporary object URL.

15. Generating file URL

You can generate a file URL in the following ways:
In the table view, click the Share icon on the right of the object to generate a URL and copy it. If the file is public-read, the URL will not carry a signature and be valid permanently. If the file is private-read, the URL will carry a signature and be valid for 2 hours.
Right-click a file and select Copy Link to generate a URL and copy it. If the file is public-read, the URL will not carry a signature and be valid permanently. If the file is private-read, the URL will carry a signature and be valid for 2 hours.
On the file details page, click Create link with expires to set the temporary URL, URL type, and validity period for the specified endpoint (available only when a CDN acceleration endpoint is enabled).

16. Sharing file/folder

Click Share in the operation column or the context menu to share a COS folder. You can also set a validity time for the link.
You can only share a single folder but not multiple files.
If multiple users share a folder, the file content may be hard to manage. In this case, you are advised to enable versioning for your bucket so that you can roll back to the desired historical version.


You can set the access permission for the shared folder.
Read only: Pulls the folder list and downloads files in the folder from the access URL.
Read & write: Pulls the folder list and downloads files in the folder, uploads files to the folder, and creates folders using the access URL.
Valid time
In minutes, hours, or days
If you log in to the client using a key, the validity period can be 1 minute to 2 hours for the root account, and 1 minute to 30 days for sub-accounts.
If you log in to the client using a Tencent Cloud account, the longest validity period is 2 hours. The default value is the longest validity period allowed for the current user.
Extraction code
A 6-character code automatically generated by the system. You can customize one as needed (numbers, letters, and symbols are supported).
When the link is valid, users receiving the link and extraction code can access the folder.

COSBrowser allows you to export file links. In the top-right corner of the UI, click the toolbox icon, select Export File Link in the toolbox pop-up window, select the bucket, folder path (for example, to export the folder folder under the root path, enter folder/), and export destination path of the target files, and click Export.

18. Previewing file

COSBrowser allows you to preview media files, including images, videos, and audio. To preview a media file, double-click it or right-click it and select Preview or Playback in the context menu. On the file preview or playback screen, you can click:
Copy Link to generate a file access URL and copy it.
Download to download the file to the local file system. If a file with the same name already exists in the local file system, it will be overwritten by default.
View on phone to generate a QR code for the file, which can be scanned on a mobile phone for direct view.
Preview is available for images in most formats, .mp4 and .webm videos, and .mp3. and .wav audios.
Please note that file preview will incur downstream traffic.

19. Searching for file

To search for a file, enter the filename in the search box at the top right of the bucket. COSBrowser supports prefix search and fuzzy search.

20. Searching for bucket

To quickly locate a bucket, enter the bucket name in the search box above the bucket list on the left.

21. Viewing historical versions or incomplete multipart uploads

If versioning is enabled for your bucket, you can click View > Multiversion list above the file list to view the historical versions. Prefix search and clearing all historical versions (retaining the latest version only) are supported.

If you pause or cancel an ongoing upload, incomplete multipart uploads may be generated. You can click View > Incomplete Multipart Uploads above the file list to view them. Prefix search and clearing all incomplete multipart uploads are supported.

22. Comparing files

In the top-right corner of the UI, click the toolbox icon, select File Comparison in the toolbox pop-up window, select the local folder and the bucket (you need to select the region, bucket, and directory) for comparison, and click Start Comparison.

23. Transcoding videos

In the top-right corner of the UI, click the toolbox icon, select Video Transcoding in the toolbox pop-up window, select a bucket for which the media processing service has been enabled, click Create Transcoding Job, select the target media file and transcoding template, enter the output file name and storage path, specify the region, bucket, and directory, and click Transcode.

24. Generating authorization code

You can generate authorization codes to temporarily authorize the specified buckets, resources in a bucket, and operations. It is more flexible than folder sharing, as it can grant custom operation permissions for specified directories. You can generate temporary SecretId, SecretKey, token, and authorization code for other users to log in to the client temporarily.
The operations are as detailed below:
In the top-right corner of the UI, click the toolbox icon, select Generate Authorization Code in the toolbox pop-up window, select the bucket and scope of resources for authorization, select the authorized operations such as read/write in the policy permission settings, set the authorization code validity period, and click OK.

25. Processing image

The image processing feature of COSBrowser supports basic image processing operations, such as scaling, cropping, rotation, and text and image watermarking. It can also generate processed image links.
Select the target bucket, click the toolbox icon in the top-right corner of the UI, and select Image Processing in the toolbox pop-up window. In the image processing pop-up window, select the target image file, configure the feature parameters, and click Image Preview to generate the link of the output image.


System Feature
Setting up proxy
COSBrowser uses the system-configured proxy to connect to the Internet. Please make sure that your proxy is set up properly or disable the proxy configuration if it fails to connect to the internet.
1. Select Advanced Setting > Proxy.
2. Set up a proxy to connect to the internet.
Setting the maximum number of concurrently uploaded/downloaded files
COSBrowser allows you to set the maximum number of concurrently uploaded and downloaded files.
1. Select Advanced Setting > Upload (or Download).
2. Set the maximum number of concurrently transferred files.
Setting the maximum number of concurrently uploaded/downloaded parts
COSBrowser supports uploading/downloading a file in multiple parts. When the file to be transferred exceeds a certain size, multipart transfer will be performed by default.
1. Select Advanced Setting > Upload (or Download).
2. Set the maximum number of concurrently transferred parts.
Setting the number of retries upon upload/download failure
COSBrowser will retry failed tasks by default when transferring files.
1. Select Advanced Setting > Upload (or Download).
2. Set the number of retries upon transfer failure.
Setting the single-thread upload/download speed limit
COSBrowser supports limiting the upload and download speeds for a single thread. Total upload (download) speed limit = Single-thread upload (download) speed limit x Number of concurrent files x Number of concurrent parts
1. Select Advanced Setting > Upload (or Download).
2. Set the single-thread upload (or download) speed limit in MB/s.
Setting upload check
COSBrowser supports checking files online after upload to verify whether their size and status are correct.
1. Select Advanced Setting > Upload.
2. Select Secondary verification after uploading.
Viewing local log
COSBrowser will record all the performed operations in the `cosbrowser.log` local file.
1. Select Advanced Setting > About.
2. Click Local Logs to enter the local log directory.

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