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Cloud Object Storage
Last updated: 2024-01-06 14:38:07
Last updated: 2024-01-06 14:38:07
Pay-as-you-go (postpaid) is the default billing mode of COS supported in all regions as described in Regions and Access Endpoints, where you use resources first and pay later. Fees of various billable items are calculated, settled, deducted, and billed daily.


For pay-as-you-go pricing of COS, see Pricing | Cloud Object Storage.

Billable Items

COS billable items are calculated as follows:
Billable Item
Calculation Formula
Storage usage fees
Calculated based on the storage usage at a unit price that varies by storage class.
Storage usage fees = monthly unit price / 30 * daily storage usage * number of days
Daily storage usage = sum of "5-minute usage" / 288 (number of statistical points)
Request fees
Calculated based on the number of requests at a unit price that varies by storage class.
Request fees = unit price per 10,000 requests * daily accumulated number of requests / 10,000
Data retrieval fees
Calculated based on the volume of data retrieved at a unit price that varies by storage class. This billable item applies when data in the STANDARD_IA or ARCHIVE storage class is downloaded.
Data retrieval fees = unit price per GB * daily amount of data retrieved
Traffic fees
Calculated based on the public network downstream traffic, CDN origin-pull traffic, cross-region replication traffic, and global acceleration traffic at a unit price that varies by traffic type.
Traffic fees = unit price per GB * daily accumulated traffic
Management feature fees
Fees incurred by management features that you enabled and used, including inventory, extraction, batch operation, and object tagging.
Inventory fees = unit price per million objects listed * number of objects listed / 1 million
COS extraction fees = unit price per GB * daily accumulated amount of data extracted
Batch operation fees include job fees and object processing fees.

Job fees = unit price per job * number of jobs created
Object processing fees = unit price per 10,000 objects processed * number of objects / 10,000
Object tagging fees = unit price per 10,000 tags * number of tags / 10,000

For more information on billable items and billing restrictions, see Traffic Fees.

Billing Cycle

COS billable items are billed daily as detailed below:
Billable Item
Billing Cycle
Storage usage fees
Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day.
Request fees
Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day.
Data retrieval fees
Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day.
Traffic fees
Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day.
Management feature fees
Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day.
Bills in the system may have a certain delay. Daily bills are generated at around 08:00 AM.


Assume that on March 1, 2019, user A activated COS and uploaded 100 GB of files to the STANDARD storage class in a bucket in Beijing region. On March 15, the user downloaded 10 GB of data over the public network. 10,000 STANDARD read/write requests were generated. Apart from these operations, the user did not perform any other operations in March.
Therefore, the following fees were incurred in March:
STANDARD storage usage fees: The storage usage fees for 100 GB of data in the month.
Traffic fees: The public network downstream traffic fees for 10 GB of data in the month.
Request fee: The request fees for 10,000 STANDARD read/write requests in the month. Among them, uploading data generated STANDARD write requests, and downloading data generated STANDARD read requests.
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