Billable Item | Description | Calculation Formula |
Storage usage fees | Calculated based on the storage usage at a unit price that varies by storage class. | Storage usage fees = monthly unit price / 30 * daily storage usage * number of days Daily storage usage = sum of "5-minute usage" / 288 (number of statistical points) |
Request fees | Calculated based on the number of requests at a unit price that varies by storage class. | Request fees = unit price per 10,000 requests * daily accumulated number of requests / 10,000 |
Data retrieval fees | Calculated based on the volume of data retrieved at a unit price that varies by storage class. This billable item applies when data in the STANDARD_IA or ARCHIVE storage class is downloaded. | Data retrieval fees = unit price per GB * daily amount of data retrieved |
Traffic fees | Calculated based on the public network downstream traffic, CDN origin-pull traffic, cross-region replication traffic, and global acceleration traffic at a unit price that varies by traffic type. | Traffic fees = unit price per GB * daily accumulated traffic |
Management feature fees | Fees incurred by management features that you enabled and used, including inventory, extraction, batch operation, and object tagging. | Inventory fees = unit price per million objects listed * number of objects listed / 1 million |
| | COS extraction fees = unit price per GB * daily accumulated amount of data extracted |
| | Batch operation fees include job fees and object processing fees. Job fees = unit price per job * number of jobs created Object processing fees = unit price per 10,000 objects processed * number of objects / 10,000 |
| | Object tagging fees = unit price per 10,000 tags * number of tags / 10,000 |
Billable Item | Billing Cycle | Description |
Storage usage fees | Daily | Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day. |
Request fees | Daily | Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day. |
Data retrieval fees | Daily | Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day. |
Traffic fees | Daily | Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day. |
Management feature fees | Daily | Fees incurred between 00:00 and 23:59:59 on a day are settled the next day. |