tencent cloud


Getting Pre-signed URL - signurl

Last updated: 2024-01-06 16:15:35
    The signurl command is used to get the pre-signed URL of an object, through which the object can be accessed anonymously.

    Command Syntax

    ./coscli signurl cos://<bucket-name>/<key> [flag]
    signurl includes the following parameters:
    Parameter Format
    Specifies the target object in the bucket, which is accessible by using the bucket alias or bucket name configured in the configuration file as detailed in Download and Installation Configuration. If you use the bucket name for access, you also need to include the endpoint flag.
    Access with the bucket alias: cos://example-alias/test.txt
    Access with the bucket name: cos://examplebucket-1250000000/test.txt
    The signurl command contains the following optional flags:
    Flag Abbreviation
    Flag Name
    Views the usage of this command.
    Sets the URL expiration time, which is 1000s by default
    For other common options of this command (such as switching bucket and user account), see Common Options.


    Getting the pre-signed URL of picture.jpg in bucket1 bucket

    ./coscli signurl cos://bucket1/picture.jpg

    Getting the pre-signed URL of picture.jpg in bucket2 bucket and setting the URL expiration time to 1314s

    ./coscli signurl cos://bucket2/picture.jpg --time 1314
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