tencent cloud


Diagnostic Tool

Last updated: 2024-01-06 16:15:35


    COS’s web-based diagnostic tool allows you to troubleshoot error requests. You can enter the error RequestId (see Obtaining RequestId) on the tool page and click Diagnose. The tool will check the request and provide basic information about the request as well as suggestions so that you can quickly troubleshoot COS API errors.

    Tool URL


    1. Click Diagnosis Tool.
    2. Enter the RequestId and click Diagnose.
    3. Wait and view the diagnostic result.
    The result includes the suggestions and the request information.
    The suggestions help you quickly locate the COS API errors.
    The request information is the information about the request corresponding to RequestId.
    4. Send your feedback on the suggestions. Click Helpful or Not Helpful below the suggestions so that we can further improve the tool.


    On the diagnostic tool page, you can also find the FAQs. If you have any queries, please contact us.


    A COS RequestId must:
    1. Start with N.
    2. Contain at least 30 characters.
    3. Comply with the Base64 standard.
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