tencent cloud


API Documentation

Last updated: 2019-06-21 15:21:54
The documentation is not available now.

The COS Go SDK (XML API) operation returns the Result structure of the corresponding API and the Response structure of the Golang standard HTTP library.

For more information on the definitions of SecretId, SecretKey, Bucket and other terms and how to obtain them, see COS Glossary.

Service API

Get the bucket list


This API is used to obtain all bucket lists of the requester.

Method prototype

func (s *ServiceService) Get(ctx context.Context) (*ServiceGetResult, *Response, error)

Request example

s, resp, err := c.Service.Get(context.Background()) 

Returned result

type ServiceGetResult struct {
    Owner   *Owner  
    Buckets []Bucket 
type Owner struct {
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string                                              
type Bucket struct {
    Name       string
    Region     string
    CreationDate string                                               
Parameter Name Description Type
ID ID of the bucket owner string
DisplayName Name of the bucket owner string
Name Bucket name string
Region The region of the bucket string
CreationDate Time when the bucket was created, in ISO8601 format, such as 2016-11-09T08:46:32.000Z string

Bucket APIs

Create a bucket


This API is used to create a bucket under the specified account. An error is returned if a bucket exists.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) Put(ctx context.Context, opt *BucketPutOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

opt := &cos.BucketPutOptions{
    XCosACL: "public-read",
resp, err := client.Bucket.Put(context.Background(), opt)


type BucketPutOptions struct {
    XCosACL              string 
    XCosGrantRead        string  
    XCosGrantWrite       string  
    XCosGrantFullControl string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
XCosACL Sets the bucket ACL, such as private, public-read, and public-read-write. string No
XCosGrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No

Delete a bucket


This API is used to delete an existing bucket under the specified account. The bucket must be empty before it can be deleted.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) Delete(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)

Request example

resp, err := client.Bucket.Delete(context.Background())

Search for a bucket and the access to it


This API is used to query whether a bucket exists or whether you have the access to it.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) Head(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)

Request example

resp, err := client.Bucket.Head(context.Background())

Obtain the region information


This API is used to query the information on the region in which a bucket resides.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) GetLocation(ctx context.Context) (*BucketGetLocationResult, *Response, error)

Request example

v, resp, err := client.Bucket.GetLocation(context.Background())

Returned result

type BucketGetLocationResult struct {
    Location string                                      
    'Location': 'ap-beijing-1'|'ap-beijing'|'ap-shanghai'|'ap-guangzhou'|'ap-chengdu'|'ap-chongqing'|'ap-singapore'|'ap-hongkong'|'na-toronto'|'eu-frankfurt'|'ap-mumbai'|'ap-seoul'|'na-siliconvalley'|'na-ashburn'
Parameter Name Description Type
Location The location of the bucket string

Get the object list


This API is used to get all objects under the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) Get(ctx context.Context, opt *BucketGetOptions) (*BucketGetResult, *Response, error)

Request example

opt := &cos.BucketGetOptions{
    Prefix:  "test",
    MaxKeys: 100,                                
v, resp, err := client.Bucket.Get(context.Background(), opt)


type BucketGetOptions struct {
    Prefix       string 
    Delimiter    string 
    EncodingType string 
    Marker       string 
    MaxKeys      int    
Parameter Name Description Type Required
Prefix Filters the keys of objects by matching the objects prefixed with this parameter. It is left empty by default. string No
Delimiter Sets a delimiter ("/") to simulate a folder. It is left empty by default. string No
EncodingType Indicates the encoding method of the returned value. The value is not encoded by default. Available value: url string No
Marker Marks the starting point of the list of returned objects. Entries are listed using UTF-8 binary order by default. string No
MaxKeys The maximum number of returned objects. It defaults to 1000. int No

Returned result

type BucketGetResult struct {
    Name           string
    Prefix         string 
    Marker         string 
    NextMarker     string 
    Delimiter      string 
    MaxKeys        int
    IsTruncated    bool
    Contents       []Object 
    CommonPrefixes []string 
    EncodingType   string   
Parameter Name Description Type
Name Bucket name, which is in a format of bucketname-appid. string
Prefix Filters the keys of objects by matching the objects prefixed with this parameter. It is left empty by default. string
Marker Marks the starting point of the list of returned objects. Entries are listed using UTF-8 binary order by default. string
NextMarker Marks the starting point of the next list of returned objects if IsTruncated is true. string
Delimiter Sets a delimiter ("/") to simulate a folder. It is left empty by default. string
MaxKeys The maximum number of returned objects. It defaults to 1000. int
IsTruncated Indicates whether the returned objects are truncated bool
Contents The list containing the meta information of all objects, including ETag, StorageClass, Key, Owner, LastModified, and Size. []Object
CommonPrefixes All keys starting with Prefix and ending with Delimiter are grouped into the same type []string
EncodingType Indicates the encoding method of the returned value. The value is not encoded by default. Available value: url string

Query multipart upload


This API is used to query all multipart uploads in progress under the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) ListMultipartUploads(ctx context.Context, opt *ListMultipartUploadsOptions) (*ListMultipartUploadsResult, *Response, error)

Request example

opt := &cos.ListMultipartUploadsOptions{
    Prefix: "test",
v, resp, err := client.Bucket.ListMultipartUploads(context.Background(), opt)


type ListMultipartUploadsOptions struct {
    Delimiter      string 
    EncodingType   string 
    Prefix         string 
    MaxUploads     int    
    KeyMarker      string 
    UploadIDMarker string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
Delimiter Sets a delimiter. It is left empty by default. string No
EncodingType Indicates the encoding method of the returned value. The value is not encoded by default. Available value: url string No
Prefix Filters the keys of multipart uploads by matching the multipart uploads prefixed with this parameter. It is left empty by default. string No
MaxUploads The maximum number of returned multipart uploads. It defaults to 1000. int No
KeyMarker Marks the starting point of a multipart upload task. It is used with UploadIdMarker. string No
UploadIdMarker Marks the starting point of a multipart upload task. It is used with KeyMarker. If KeyMarker is not specified, UploadIdMarker will be ignored. string No

Returned result

type ListMultipartUploadsResult struct {
    Bucket             string   
    EncodingType       string   
    KeyMarker          string
    UploadIDMarker     string 
    NextKeyMarker      string
    NextUploadIDMarker string 
    MaxUploads         int
    IsTruncated        bool
    Uploads            []struct {
        Key          string
        UploadID     string 
        StorageClass string
        Initiator    *Initiator
        Owner        *Owner
        Initiated    string
    Prefix         string
    Delimiter      string   
    CommonPrefixes []string 
Parameter Name Description Type
Bucket Bucket name, which is in a format of bucketname-appid. string
EncodingType Indicates the encoding method of the returned value. The value is not encoded by default. Available value: url string
KeyMarker Marks the starting point of the list of keys for multipart uploads. It is used with UploadIdMarker. string
UploadIdMarker Marks the starting point of the list of uploadids for multipart uploads. It is used with KeyMarker. If KeyMarker is not specified, UploadIdMarker will be ignored. string
NextKeyMarker Marks the starting point of the next list of keys for multipart uploads if IsTruncated is true. string
NextUploadIDMarker Marks the starting point of the next list of uploadids for multipart uploads if IsTruncated is true. string
MaxUploads The maximum number of returned multipart uploads. It defaults to 1000. int
IsTruncated Indicates whether the returned multipart uploads are truncated bool
Upload The list containing information of all multipart uploads, including UploadId, StorageClass, Key, Owner, Initiator, and Initiated. []struct
Prefix Filters the keys of multipart uploads by matching the multipart uploads prefixed with this parameter. It is left empty by default. string
Delimiter Sets a delimiter. It is left empty by default. string
CommonPrefixes All keys starting with Prefix and ending with Delimiter are grouped into the same type []string

Set a bucket ACL


This API is used to set the bucket ACL information by passing header through XCosACL, XCosGrantFullControl, XCosGrantRead and XCosGrantWrite or by passing body thruogh ACLXML. You can only use one of these two methods, otherwise a conflict is returned.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) PutACL(ctx context.Context, opt *BucketPutACLOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

Set a bucket ACL through header.

opt := &cos.BucketPutACLOptions{
    Header: &cos.ACLHeaderOptions{
        XCosACL: "private",
resp, err := client.Bucket.PutACL(context.Background(), opt)

Set a bucket ACL through body.

opt = &cos.BucketPutACLOptions{
    Body: &cos.ACLXml{
        Owner: &cos.Owner{
            ID: "qcs::cam::uin/100000760461:uin/100000760461",
        AccessControlList: []cos.ACLGrant{
                Grantee: &cos.ACLGrantee{
                    Type: "RootAccount",
                Permission: "FULL_CONTROL",
resp, err := client.Bucket.PutACL(context.Background(), opt)


type ACLHeaderOptions struct {
    XCosACL              string 
    XCosGrantRead        string 
    XCosGrantWrite       string 
    XCosGrantFullControl string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
XCosACL Sets the bucket ACL, such as private, public-read, and public-read-write. string No
XCosGrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
ACLXML Grants the specified account the access to buckets. For more information on the format, see the response for "get bucket acl". struct No

Get the bucket ACL


This API is used to get the ACL information of the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) GetACL(ctx context.Context) (*BucketGetACLResult, *Response, error)

Request example

v, resp, err := client.Bucket.GetACL(context.Background())

Returned result

type ACLXml struct {
    Owner             *Owner
    AccessControlList []ACLGrant 
type Owner struct { 
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string
type ACLGrant struct {
    Grantee    *ACLGrantee
    Permission string
type ACLGrantee struct {
    Type        string 
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string
    UIN         string 
Parameter Name Description Type
Owner Information of the bucket owner, including DisplayName and ID struct
AccessControlList Information of the user granted the bucket permissions, including Grantee and Permission struct
Grantee Information of grantee, including DisplayName, Type, ID and UIN struct
Type Type of grantee: CanonicalUser or Group string
ID ID of grantee when Type is CanonicalUser string
DisplayName Name of grantee string
UIN UIN of grantee when Type is Group string
Permission Bucket permissions of grantee. Available values: FULL_CONTROL (read and write permissions), WRITE (write permission), and READ (read permission) string

Set cross-origin configuration


This API is used to set the cross-origin resource configuration for the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) PutCORS(ctx context.Context, opt *BucketPutCORSOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

opt := &cos.BucketPutCORSOptions{
    Rules: []cos.BucketCORSRule{
            AllowedOrigins: []string{"http://www.qq.com"},
            AllowedMethods: []string{"PUT", "GET"},
            AllowedHeaders: []string{"x-cos-meta-test", "x-cos-xx"},
            MaxAgeSeconds:  500,
            ExposeHeaders:  []string{"x-cos-meta-test1"},
            ID:             "1234",
            AllowedOrigins: []string{"http://www.baidu.com", "twitter.com"},
            AllowedMethods: []string{"PUT", "GET"},
            MaxAgeSeconds:  500,
resp, err := client.Bucket.PutCORS(context.Background(), opt)


type BucketCORSRule struct {
    ID             string   
    AllowedMethods []string 
    AllowedOrigins []string 
    AllowedHeaders []string 
    MaxAgeSeconds  int      
    ExposeHeaders  []string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
BucketCORSRule Sets the appropriate cross-origin rules, including ID, MaxAgeSeconds, AllowedOrigin, AllowedMethod, AllowedHeader, and ExposeHeader struct Yes
ID Sets rule ID. string No
AllowedMethods Sets allowed methods, including GET, PUT, HEAD, POST and DELETE []string Yes
AllowedOrigins Sets allowed access sources, such as "http://cloud.tencent.com". The wildcard "*" is supported. []string Yes
AllowedHeaders Sets the custom HTTP request headers that can be used by requests. The wildcard "*" is supported. []string No
MaxAgeSeconds Sets the validity period of the results obtained by OPTIONS int No
ExposeHeaders Sets the custom header information that can be received by the browser from the server end []string No

Get cross-origin configuration


This API is used to get the cross-origin configuration of the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) GetCORS(ctx context.Context) (*BucketGetCORSResult, *Response, error)

Request example

v, resp, err := client.Bucket.GetCORS(context.Background())

Returned result

type BucketCORSRule struct {
    ID             string   
    AllowedMethods []string 
    AllowedOrigins []string 
    AllowedHeaders []string 
    MaxAgeSeconds  int      
    ExposeHeaders  []string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
BucketCORSRule Sets the appropriate cross-origin rules, including ID, MaxAgeSeconds, AllowedOrigin, AllowedMethod, AllowedHeader, and ExposeHeader struct Yes
ID Sets rule ID. string No
AllowedMethods Sets allowed methods, including GET, PUT, HEAD, POST and DELETE []string Yes
AllowedOrigins Sets allowed access sources, such as "http://cloud.tencent.com". The wildcard "*" is supported. []string Yes
AllowedHeaders Sets the custom HTTP request headers that can be used by requests. The wildcard "*" is supported. []string No
MaxAgeSeconds Sets the validity period of the results obtained by OPTIONS int No
ExposeHeaders Sets the custom header information that can be received by the browser from the server end []string No

Delete cross-origin configuration


This API is used to delete the cross-origin configuration of the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) DeleteCORS(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)

Request example

resp, err := client.Bucket.DeleteCORS(context.Background())

Set the lifecycle


This API is used to set the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) PutLifecycle(ctx context.Context, opt *BucketPutLifecycleOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

lc := &cos.BucketPutLifecycleOptions{
    Rules: []cos.BucketLifecycleRule{
            ID:     "1234",
            Filter: &cos.BucketLifecycleFilter{Prefix: "test"},
            Status: "Enabled",
            Transition: &cos.BucketLifecycleTransition{
                Days:         10,
                StorageClass: "Standard",
            ID:     "123422",
            Filter: &cos.BucketLifecycleFilter{Prefix: "gg"},
            Status: "Disabled",
            Expiration: &cos.BucketLifecycleExpiration{
                Days: 10,
resp, err := client.Bucket.PutLifecycle(context.Background(), lc)


type BucketLifecycleRule struct {
    ID                             string
    Status                         string
    Filter                         *BucketLifecycleFilter
    Transition                     *BucketLifecycleTransition
    Expiration                     *BucketLifecycleExpiration
    AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload  *BucketLifecycleAbortIncompleteMultipartUpload 
type BucketLifecycleFilter struct {
    Prefix       string 
type BucketLifecycleTransition struct {
    Date         string 
    Days         int    
    StorageClass string
type BucketLifecycleExpiration struct {
    Date string 
    Days int    
type BucketLifecycleAbortIncompleteMultipartUpload struct {
    DaysAfterInitiation string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
Rule Sets the appropriate rules, including ID, Filter, Status, Expiration, Transition, and AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload List Yes
ID Sets rule ID. string No
Status Sets whether Rule is enabled. Available values: Enabled or Disabled string Yes
Filter Describes a collection of objects that are subject to the rules. To set rules for all objects in the bucket, leave Prefix empty. struct Yes
Transition Sets the rule for changing the storage type of the object. You can specify the number of days (Days) or a specified date (Date). The format of Date must be GMT ISO 8601. Available values for StorageClass: Standard_IA and Archive. Multiple rules can be set at a time. struct No
Expiration Sets the expiration rule for the object. You can specify the number of days (Days) or a specified date (Date). The format of Date must be GMT ISO 8601. struct No
AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload Indicates the number of days within which the multipart upload must be completed after the upload starts struct No

Query the lifecycle


This API is used to query the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) GetLifecycle(ctx context.Context) (*BucketGetLifecycleResult, *Response, error)

Request example

v, resp, err := client.Bucket.GetLifecycle(context.Background()) 

Returned result

type BucketLifecycleRule struct {
    ID                             string
    Status                         string
    Filter                         *BucketLifecycleFilter
    Transition                     *BucketLifecycleTransition
    Expiration                     *BucketLifecycleExpiration
    AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload  *BucketLifecycleAbortIncompleteMultipartUpload 
type BucketLifecycleFilter struct {
    Prefix       string 
type BucketLifecycleTransition struct {
    Date         string 
    Days         int    
    StorageClass string
type BucketLifecycleExpiration struct {
    Date string 
    Days int    
type BucketLifecycleAbortIncompleteMultipartUpload struct {
    DaysAfterInitiation string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
Rule Sets the appropriate rules, including ID, Filter, Status, Expiration, Transition, and AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload List Yes
ID Sets rule ID. string No
Status Sets whether Rule is enabled. Available values: Enabled or Disabled string Yes
Filter Describes a collection of objects that are subject to the rules. To set rules for all objects in the bucket, leave Prefix empty. struct Yes
Transition Sets the rule for changing the storage type of the object. You can specify the number of days (Days) or a specified date (Date). The format of Date must be GMT ISO 8601. Available values for StorageClass: Standard_IA and Archive. Multiple rules can be set at a time. struct No
Expiration Sets the expiration rule for the object. You can specify the number of days (Days) or a specified date (Date). The format of Date must be GMT ISO 8601. struct No
AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload Indicates the number of days within which the multipart upload must be completed after the upload starts struct No

Delete the lifecycle


This API is used to delete the lifecycle configuration of the specified bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *BucketService) DeleteLifecycle(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)

Request example

resp, err := client.Bucket.DeleteLifecycle(context.Background())

Object APIs

Upload an object


This API is used to upload a local file or an input stream to the specified bucket. It is recommended to upload small files not larger than 20 MB. The file size for a single upload is limited to 5 GB. Use multipart upload to upload large files.

The number of access policies is up to 1000. Do not set object ACL control when you upload an object if it is not required. The object inherits the bucket permissions by default.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) Put(ctx context.Context, key string, r io.Reader, opt *ObjectPutOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

    key := "put_option.go"
    f := strings.NewReader("test xxx")
    opt := &cos.ObjectPutOptions{
        ObjectPutHeaderOptions: &cos.ObjectPutHeaderOptions{
            ContentType: "text/html",
        ACLHeaderOptions: &cos.ACLHeaderOptions{
            XCosACL: "private",
resp, err = client.Object.Put(context.Background(), key, f, opt)


type ObjectPutOptions struct {
type ACLHeaderOptions struct {
    XCosACL              string                           
    XCosGrantRead        string
    XCosGrantWrite       string 
    XCosGrantFullControl string                                           
type ObjectPutHeaderOptions struct {
    CacheControl       string 
    ContentDisposition string 
    ContentEncoding    string 
    ContentType        string 
    ContentLength      int   
    Expires            string 
    // Custom x-cos-meta-* header
    XCosMetaXXX        *http.Header 
    XCosStorageClass   string      
Parameter Name Description Type Required
r The content of the uploaded file, which can be a file stream or a byte stream. When r is not bytes.Buffer/bytes.Reader/strings.Reader, opt.ObjectPutHeaderOptions.ContentLength must be specified. io.Reader Yes
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
XCosACL Sets the file ACL, such as private, public-read, and public-read-write string No
XCosGrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosStorageClass Sets file storage type: STANDARD and STANDARD_IA. Default: STANDARD string No
Expires Sets Content-Expires. string No
CacheControl Cache policy. Sets Cache-Control. string No
ContentType Content Type. Sets Content-Type. string No
ContentDisposition File name. Sets Content-Disposition. string No
ContentEncoding Encoding format. Sets Content-Encoding. string No
ContentLength Sets transmission length string No
XCosMetaXXX User-defined file meta information. It must start with x-cos-meta. Otherwise, it will be ignored. http.Header No

Returned result

    'ETag': 'string',
    'x-cos-expiration': 'string'
Parameter Name Description Type
ETag MD5 of the upload File string
x-cos-expiration After the lifecycle is set, the file expiration rule is returned. string

Get objects


This API is used to download the files of the specified bucket locally.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) Get(ctx context.Context, key string, opt *ObjectGetOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

    key := "test/hello.txt"
    opt := &cos.ObjectGetOptions{
        ResponseContentType: "text/html",
        Range:               "bytes=0-3",
    //"opt" is optional. It can be set to nil unless otherwise specified.
    resp, err = client.Object.Get(context.Background(), key, opt)
    bs, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(bs))


type ObjectGetOptions struct {
    ResponseContentType        string 
    ResponseContentLanguage    string 
    ResponseExpires            string 
    ResponseCacheControl       string 
    ResponseContentDisposition string 
    ResponseContentEncoding    string 
    Range                      string 
    IfModifiedSince            string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
ResponseContentType Sets the Content-Type in the response header string No
ResponseContentLanguage Sets the Content-Language in the response header string No
ResponseExpires Sets the Content-Expires in the response header string No
ResponseCacheControl Sets the Cache-Control in the response header string No
ResponseContentDisposition Sets the Content-Disposition in the response header string No
ResponseContentEncoding Sets the Content-Encoding in the response header string No
Range Sets the range of bytes of the file to be downloaded in the format of bytes=first-last string No
IfModifiedSince The file is returned after it has been modified since the specified time string No

Returned result

    'Body': '',
    'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes',
    'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
    'Content-Length': '16807',
    'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="filename.jpg"',
    'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-16086/16087',
    'ETag': '"9a4802d5c99dafe1c04da0a8e7e166bf"',
    'Last-Modified': 'Wed, 28 Oct 2014 20:30:00 GMT',
    'X-Cos-Request-Id': 'NTg3NzQ3ZmVfYmRjMzVfMzE5N182NzczMQ=='
Parameter Name Description Type
Body The content of the downloaded file StreamBody
File meta information The meta information of the downloaded file, including Etag and X-Cos-Request-Id. The meta information of the configured file is also returned. string

Delete a single object


This API is used to delete a file in a bucket.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) (*Response, error)

Request example

key := "test/objectPut.go"
resp, err := client.Object.Delete(context.Background(), name)


Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes

Delete multiple objects


This API is used to delete the files in the specified bucket in batch.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) DeleteMulti(ctx context.Context, opt *ObjectDeleteMultiOptions) (*ObjectDeleteMultiResult, *Response, error)

Request example

var keys = []string{"a","b","c"}
obs := []cos.Object{}
for _, v := range keys {
    obs = append(obs, cos.Object{Key: v})
opt := &cos.ObjectDeleteMultiOptions{
    Objects: obs,
    Quiet: true,
v, resp, err := client.Object.DeleteMulti(ctx, opt)


type ObjectDeleteMultiOptions struct {
    Quiet   bool     
    Objects []Object 
type Object struct {
    Key        string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
Objects Provides the information of each target object to be deleted List Yes
Key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string No
Quiet Indicates the method by which the result is returned for the deletion. Available values: true and false. Defaults to false. If it is set to true, only error message for failed deletion is returned. If it is set to false, messages indicating successful and failed deletion are returned. bool No

Returned result

type ObjectDeleteMultiResult struct {
    DeletedObjects []Object
    Errors         []struct {
        Key     string
        Code    string
        Message string
type Object struct {
    Key        string 
Parameter Name Description Type
DeletedObjects The information of the object that has been deleted []struct
Errors The information of the object that failed to be deleted string
Key The path of the object that failed to be deleted string
Code The error code for the object that failed to be deleted string
Message The error message for the object that failed to be deleted string

Obtain object metadata


This API is used to obtain the meta information of the specified file.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) Head(ctx context.Context, key string, opt *ObjectHeadOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

key := "test/hello.txt"
resp, err := client.Object.Head(context.Background(), key, nil)


type ObjectHeadOptions struct {
    IfModifiedSince string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
IfModifiedSince The file is returned after it has been modified since the specified time. string No

Returned result

    'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
    'Content-Length': '16807',
    'ETag': '"9a4802d5c99dafe1c04da0a8e7e166bf"',
    'Last-Modified': 'Wed, 28 Oct 2014 20:30:00 GMT',
    'X-Cos-Request-Id': 'NTg3NzQ3ZmVfYmRjMzVfMzE5N182NzczMQ=='
Parameter Name Description Type
File meta information The meta information of the file obtained, including Etag and X-Cos-Request-Id. The meta information of the configured file is also included. string

Initialize multipart upload


This API is used to create a new multipart upload task. UploadId is returned.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) InitiateMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, name string, opt *InitiateMultipartUploadOptions) (*InitiateMultipartUploadResult, *Response, error)

Request example

name := "test_multipart"
// "opt" is optional.
v, resp, err := client.Object.InitiateMultipartUpload(context.Background(), name, nil


type ObjectPutOptions struct {
type ACLHeaderOptions struct {
    XCosACL              string                           
    XCosGrantRead        string
    XCosGrantWrite       string 
    XCosGrantFullControl string                                           
type ObjectPutHeaderOptions struct {
    CacheControl       string 
    ContentDisposition string 
    ContentEncoding    string 
    ContentType        string 
    ContentLength      int   
    Expires            string 
    // Custom x-cos-meta-* header
    XCosMetaXXX        *http.Header 
    XCosStorageClass   string      
Parameter Name Description Type Required
r The content of the uploaded file, which can be a file stream or a byte stream. When r is not bytes.Buffer/bytes.Reader/strings.Reader, opt.ObjectPutHeaderOptions.ContentLength must be specified. io.Reader Yes
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
XCosACL Sets the file ACL, such as private, public-read, and public-read-write string No
XCosGrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosStorageClass Sets file storage type: STANDARD and STANDARD_IA. Default: STANDARD string No
Expires Sets Content-Expires. string No
CacheControl Cache policy. Sets Cache-Control. string No
ContentType Content Type. Sets Content-Type. string No
ContentDisposition File name. Sets Content-Disposition. string No
ContentEncoding Encoding format. Sets Content-Encoding. string No
ContentLength Sets transmission length string No
XCosMetaXXX User-defined file meta information. It must start with x-cos-meta. Otherwise, it will be ignored. http.Header No

Returned result

type InitiateMultipartUploadResult struct {
    Bucket   string
    Key      string
    UploadID string                   
Parameter Name Description Type
UploadId Indicates the ID of multipart upload string
Bucket Bucket name, which is in a format of bucket-appid string
Key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string

Terminate multipart upload


This API is used to abort a multipart upload task, and all uploaded parts are deleted.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key, uploadID string) (*Response, error)

Request example

key := "test_multipart.txt"
v, _, err := client.Object.InitiateMultipartUpload(context.Background(), key, nil)
// Abort
resp, err := client.Object.AbortMultipartUpload(context.Background(), key, v.UploadID)


Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
UploadId Indicates the ID of multipart upload string Yes

Upload a part


This API is used to upload a part to the specified UploadId. The size of a part is limited to 5 GB.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) UploadPart(ctx context.Context, key, uploadID string, partNumber int, r io.Reader, opt *ObjectUploadPartOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

// Note: The maximum number of parts to be uploaded is 10,000.
key := "test/test_multi_upload.go"
f := strings.NewReader("test heoo")
// "opt" is optional.
_, err := client.Object.UploadPart(
    context.Background(), key, uploadID, 1, f, nil,


type ObjectUploadPartOptions struct {
    ContentLength   int                                      
Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
UploadId Indicates the ID of multipart upload, which is generated by InitiateMultipartUpload. string Yes
PartNumber Indicates the number of the uploaded part int Yes
r The content of the uploaded part, which can be a local file stream or an input stream. When r is not bytes.Buffer/bytes.Reader/strings.Reader, opt.ContentLength must be specified. io.Reader Yes
ContentLength Sets transmission length. int No

Returned result

    'ETag': 'string'
Parameter Name Description Type
ETag MD5 of the uploaded part string

List parts


This API is used to list the information of the uploaded parts in the specified UploadId.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) ListParts(ctx context.Context, name, uploadID string) (*ObjectListPartsResult, *Response, error)

Request example

key := "test/test_list_parts.go"
v, resp, err := client.Object.ListParts(context.Background(), key, uploadID) 


Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
UploadId Indicates the ID of multipart upload, which is generated by InitiateMultipartUpload. string Yes

Returned result

type ObjectListPartsResult struct {
    Bucket               string
    EncodingType         string 
    Key                  string
    UploadID             string     
    Initiator            *Initiator 
    Owner                *Owner     
    StorageClass         string
    PartNumberMarker     int
    NextPartNumberMarker int 
    MaxParts             int
    IsTruncated          bool
    Parts                []Object 
type Initiator struct {
    UIN         string
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string                                
type Owner struct {
    UIN         string
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string                                
type Object struct {
    Key          string 
    ETag         string 
    Size         int    
    PartNumber   int    
    LastModified string 
    StorageClass string 
    Owner        *Owner
Parameter Name Description Type
Bucket Bucket name, which is in a format of bucketname-appid. string
EncodingType Indicates the encoding method of the returned value. The value is not encoded by default. Available value: url string
Key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string
UploadId Indicates the ID of multipart upload, which is generated by InitiateMultipartUpload. string
Initiator Creator of the multipart upload, including DisplayName, UIN and ID struct
Owner Information of the file owner, including DisplayName, UIN and ID struct
StorageClass Sets file storage type: STANDARD and STANDARD_IA. Default: STANDARD string
PartNumberMarker Indicates that the parts are listed from the one following PartNumberMarker. It defaults to 0, which means the parts are listed from the first one. int
NextPartNumberMarker Marks the starting point of the next list of parts int
MaxParts The maximum number of returned parts. It defaults to 1000. int
IsTruncated Indicates whether the returned parts are truncated bool
Part Information of the uploaded part, including ETag, PartNumber, Size, and LastModified struct

Complete multipart upload


This API is used to construct all parts in the specified UploadId into a complete file. The size of the resulting file must be larger than 1 MB, otherwise an error is returned.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key, uploadID string, opt *CompleteMultipartUploadOptions) (*CompleteMultipartUploadResult, *Response, error)

Request example

key := "test/test_complete_upload.go"
v, resp, err := client.Object.InitiateMultipartUpload(context.Background(), key, nil)
uploadID := v.UploadID
blockSize := 1024 * 1024 * 3

opt := &cos.CompleteMultipartUploadOptions{}
for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
    etag := uploadPart(c, key, uploadID, blockSize, i)
    opt.Parts = append(opt.Parts, cos.Object{
        PartNumber: i, ETag: etag},

v, resp, err = client.Object.CompleteMultipartUpload(
    context.Background(), key, uploadID, opt,


type CompleteMultipartUploadOptions struct {
    Parts   []Object 
type Object struct { 
    ETag         string 
    PartNumber   int     
Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
UploadId Indicates the ID of multipart upload, which is generated by InitiateMultipartUpload. string Yes
CompleteMultipartUploadOptions ETag and PartNumber information for all parts struct Yes

Returned result

type CompleteMultipartUploadResult struct {
    Location string
    Bucket   string
    Key      string
    ETag     string
Parameter Name Description Type
Location URL address string
Bucket Bucket name, which is in a format of bucketname-appid. string
Key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string
ETag The unique tag of the resulting object. It is not the MD5 check value for the object content, but is only used to check the uniqueness of the object. To verify the file content, you can check the ETag of each part during the process of upload. string

Set the object ACL


This API is used to set the file ACL information by passing header through XCosACL, XCosGrantFullControl, XCosGrantRead and XCosGrantWrite or by passing body thruogh ACLXML. You can only use one of these two methods, otherwise a conflict is returned.

The number of access policies is up to 1000. Do not set object ACL control if it is not required. The object inherits the bucket permissions by default.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) PutACL(ctx context.Context, key string, opt *ObjectPutACLOptions) (*Response, error)

Request example

Set an object ACL through Header.

opt := &cos.ObjectPutACLOptions{
    Header: &cos.ACLHeaderOptions{
        XCosACL: "private",
key := "test/hello.txt"
resp, err := client.Object.PutACL(context.Background(), key, opt)

Set an object ACL through Body.

opt = &cos.ObjectPutACLOptions{
    Body: &cos.ACLXml{
        Owner: &cos.Owner{
            ID: "qcs::cam::uin/100000760461:uin/100000760461",
        AccessControlList: []cos.ACLGrant{
                Grantee: &cos.ACLGrantee{
                    Type: "RootAccount",
                    ID:   "qcs::cam::uin/100000760461:uin/100000760461",

                Permission: "FULL_CONTROL",

resp, err = client.Object.PutACL(context.Background(), key, opt)


type ACLHeaderOptions struct {
    XCosACL              string 
    XCosGrantRead        string 
    XCosGrantWrite       string 
    XCosGrantFullControl string 
Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
XCosACL Sets the bucket ACL, such as private, public-read, and public-read-write. string No
XCosGrantFullControl Grants the specified account the permission to read and write buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write buckets. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
ACLXML Grants the specified account the access to buckets. For more information on the format, see the response for "get object acl". struct No

Get the object ACL


This API is used to get the ACL information of the specified file.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) GetACL(ctx context.Context, key string) (*ObjectGetACLResult, *Response, error)

Request example

key := "test/hello.txt"
v, resp, err := client.Object.GetACL(context.Background(), key)


Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes

Returned result

type ACLXml struct {
    Owner             *Owner
    AccessControlList []ACLGrant 
type Owner struct { 
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string
type ACLGrant struct {
    Grantee    *ACLGrantee
    Permission string
type ACLGrantee struct {
    Type        string 
    ID          string 
    DisplayName string
    UIN         string 
Parameter Name Description Type
Owner Information of the bucket owner, including DisplayName and ID struct
AccessControlList Information of the user granted the bucket permissions, including Grantee and Permission struct
Grantee Information of grantee, including DisplayName, Type, ID and UIN struct
Type Type of grantee: CanonicalUser or Group string
ID ID of grantee when Type is CanonicalUser string
DisplayName Name of grantee string
UIN UIN of grantee when Type is Group string
Permission Bucket permissions of grantee. Available values: FULL_CONTROL (read and write permissions), WRITE (write permission), and READ (read permission) string

Set object replication


This API is used to copy a file from source path to destination path. The recommended file size is 1 MB to 5 GB. For any file greater than 5 GB, use multipart upload (Upload - Copy). In the process of copying, file meta-attributes and ACLs can be modified. You can use this API to move or rename a file, modify file attributes, and create a copy.

For cross-account replication, set the public-read permission to the copied files first, or grant the target account this permission. It is not required under the same account.

Method prototype

func (s *ObjectService) Copy(ctx context.Context, key, sourceURL string, opt *ObjectCopyOptions) (*ObjectCopyResult, *Response, error)

Request example

u, _ := url.Parse("http://test-1253846586.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com")
source := "test/objectMove_src"
soruceURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", u.Host, source)
dest := "test/objectMove_dest"
//opt := &cos.ObjectCopyOptions{}
r, resp, err := client.Object.Copy(context.Background(), dest, soruceURL, nil)


type ObjectCopyOptions struct {
type ACLHeaderOptions struct {
    XCosACL              string 
    XCosGrantRead        string 
    XCosGrantWrite       string 
    XCosGrantFullControl string 
type ObjectCopyHeaderOptions struct {
    XCosMetadataDirective           string 
    XCosCopySourceIfModifiedSince   string 
    XCosCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince string 
    XCosCopySourceIfMatch           string 
    XCosCopySourceIfNoneMatch       string 
    XCosStorageClass                string 
    // Custom x-cos-meta-* header
    XCosMetaXXX                        *http.Header 
    XCosCopySource                     string      
Parameter Name Description Type Required
key ObjectKey is the unique identifier of the object in the bucket. For example, in the object's access domain name bucket1-1250000000.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/doc1/pic1.jpg, the ObjectKey is doc1/pic1.jpg. string Yes
sourceURL The URL of the copied source file string Yes
XCosACL Sets the file ACL, such as private, public-read, and public-read-write string No
XCosGrantFullControl Grants the specific account the permission to read and write files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantRead Grants the specified account the permission to read files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosGrantWrite Grants the specified account the permission to write files. Format: id=" ",id=" ". For authorization to a sub-account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{SubUin}"; for authorization to a root account, id="qcs::cam::uin/{OwnerUin}:uin/{OwnerUin}". For example: id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/456",id="qcs::cam::uin/123:uin/123" string No
XCosMetadataDirective Available values: Copy and Replaced. When it is set to Copy, ignore the configured user metadata information and copy the file directly. When it is set to Replaced, modify the metadata according to the configured meta information. If the destination path is identical to the source path, it must be set to Replaced. string Yes
XCosCopySourceIfModifiedSince The operation is performed if the object is modified after the specified time, otherwise error code 412 is returned. It can be used with XCosCopySourceIfNoneMatch. Using it with other conditions can cause a conflict. string No
XCosCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince The operation is performed if the object is not modified after the specified time, otherwise error code 412 is returned. It can be used with XCosCopySourceIfMatch. Using it with other conditions can cause a conflict. string No
XCosCopySourceIfMatch The operation is performed if the Etag of the object is the same as the given one, otherwise error code 412 is returned. It can be used with XCosCopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince. Using it with other conditions can cause a conflict. string No
XCosCopySourceIfNoneMatch The operation is performed if the Etag of the object is different from the given one, otherwise error code 412 is returned. It can be used with XCosCopySourceIfModifiedSince. Using it with other conditions can cause a conflict. string No
XCosStorageClass Sets file storage type: STANDARD and STANDARD_IA. Default: STANDARD string No
XCosMetaXXX User-defined file meta information http.Header No
XCosCopySource Source file URL path. You can specify the history version with the versionid subresource. string No

Returned result

Attributes of the uploaded file:

type ObjectCopyResult struct {
    ETag         string 
    LastModified string
Parameter Name Description Type
ETag MD5 of the copied file string
LastModified The time when the copied file was last modified string

Exception Description

The Response returned by the API is the Response type of Golang standard HTTP library.
You can get the error message via err.Error(), which provides the message returned by the server. For more information on error codes, see Error Codes.

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