tencent cloud



Last updated: 2018-03-28 16:04:23
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    Preparations for Development

    Acquiring SDK

    You can download iOS SDK for Cloud Object Storage (COS) from iOS SDK

    For more examples, refer to iOS Demo.

    Preparations for Development

    • iOS 7.0+;
    • Your mobile phone must be connected to the Internet (either via GPRS, 3G or Wi-Fi connection);
      1. Get APP ID, SecretID, SecretKey from the console.

    Configuring SDK

    SDK Import

    iOS SDK package for COS:

    • COSClientSDK.zip

    In the package, there is a static library (.a file) and a Headers folder containing a header file, as shown below: The upload package is available in two versions: one supporting bitcode and the other not. You can select based on your business needs.

    Upload SDK

    Download SDK

    When dragging the unpacked COSSDK into the project directory, Xcode will automatically add it to the list of link libraries.

    Import SDK Package

    Note: You can import upload/download SDK package based on your business needs.

    Configuring Project

    Set up "Other Linker Flags" in "Build Settings" and add the parameter "-ObjC".

    Parameter Configuration

    Add "App Transport Security Settings" to the "info.plist" file of the project, and then add the "Allow Arbitrary Loads" as "Boolean" in "App Transport Security Settings", and set its value to "YES"


    Introduce COSClient .h header file of upload SDK. Directory-related operations need first instantiate COSClient object.

    Method Prototype

    - (instancetype)initWithAppId:(NSString*)appId  withRegion:(NSString *)region;

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appId NSString * Yes Project ID, i.e. APP ID.
    region NSString * Yes The data center region where bucket is created. For example, East China: "sh", South China: "gz", and North China: "tj"


    COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];

    Quick Start

    The following shows the basic process of upload and download. For details, please refer to demo. Before that, please apply for an appid for COS business on the Tencent Cloud console;

    STEP 1 Initializing COSClient


    COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];

    STEP 2 Uploading a File

    Let's assume that you have applied for your own business bucket. All tasks of SDK correspond to appropriate "task". You can complete operations by passing corresponding "task" parameters to the client;


        COSObjectPutTask *task = [COSObjectPutTask new];
        task.filePath = path;
        task.fileName = fileName;
        task.bucket = bucket;
        task.attrs = @"customAttribute";
        task.directory = dir;
        task.insertOnly = YES;
        task.sign = _sign;
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        client.progressHandler = ^(NSInteger bytesWritten,NSInteger totalBytesWritten,NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite){
        [client putObject:task];

    STEP 3 Downloading a File


         COSObjectGetTask *cm = [[COSObjectGetTask alloc] initWithUrl:imgUrl.text];
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
        client.downloadProgressHandler = ^(int64_t receiveLength,int64_t contentLength){        
        [client getObjectRequest:cm];

    Generating Signature

    Signature Types:

    Type Description
    Multiple-time It can be used multiple times before the expiration time
    One-time It is bound to the source URL and only be used once

    Acquiring Signature:

    This is the signature used in mobile device SDK. To secure the key and other information, it is recommended that users create simple key creation and capture services. Then, the client will first request the valid signature from the server.

    Creating a Directory

    Method Prototype

    You can create a directory under specified bucket via this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSCreateDirCommand object;
    2. Call createDirRequest method of COSClient and input COSCreateDirCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSCreatDirTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    dir NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a directory belongs
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    attrs NSString * No Custom attributes

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through COSCreatDirTaskRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSCreateDirCommand *cm = [COSCreateDirCommand new];
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.sign = _sign;
        cm.attrs = @"dirTest";
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client createDir:cm];

    Updating Directory Attributes

    Method Prototype

    You can update the custom attributes of the directory by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSUpdateDirCommand object;
    2. Call updateDirRequest method of COSClient and input COSUpdateDirCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSUpdateDirTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    dir NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a directory belongs
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    attrs NSString * No Custom attributes

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through COSUpdateDirTaskRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSUpdateDirCommand *cm = [COSUpdateDirCommand new];
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.sign = _sign;//One-time signature is adopted for this business
        cm.attrs = @"dirTest";
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client updateDir:cm];

    Querying Directory Attributes

    Method Prototype

    You can query the detailed attributes of the directory by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSDirmMetaCommand object;
    2. Call getDirMetaData method of COSClient and input COSDirmMetaCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSDirMetaTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    dir NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a directory belongs
    sign NSString * Yes Signature

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through COSDirmMetaCommand object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int If the task is normal, return 0; if an error occurs, return other value and the result description
    descMsg NSString * If the task is normal, return OK; if an error occurs, return the error description
    data NSDictionary * Return the task result data


        COSDirmMetaCommand *cm = [COSDirmMetaCommand new];
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.sign = sign;
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client getDirMetaData:cm];

    Deleting a Directory

    Method Prototype

    You can delete a directory under specified bucket by calling this API. But the directory with valid files or directories cannot be deleted. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSDeleteDirCommand object;
    2. Call deleteDirRequest method of COSClient and input COSDeleteDirCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSdeleteDirTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    dir NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a directory belongs
    sign NSString * Yes Signature

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through COSdeleteDirTaskRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSDeleteDirCommand *cm = [COSDeleteDirCommand new];
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.sign = _oneSign;//Delete one-time signature
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client deleteDir:cm];

    List of Directories

    Method Prototype

    You can list files and directories of specified directory under the bucket by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSListDirCommand object;
    2. Call listDirRequest method of COSClient and input COSListDirCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSDirListTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    path NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a directory belongs
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    num NSUInteger Yes Number of each pull
    pageContext NSString * Yes Transparently transmitted field. If you want to query the first page, an empty string should be passed. To turn pages, please transmit context in the returned values of the previous page to the parameters in a transparent way
    prefix NSString * Yes Prefix query

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through TXYListDirCommandRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    context NSString * Number of directories
    listover NSString * Number of files
    infos NSArray * List of file directory attributes
    retCode int Task description code
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSListDirCommand *cm = [COSListDirCommand new];
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.sign = _sign;
        cm.number = 100;
        cm.pageContext = @"";
        cm.prefix = @"xx";
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client listDir:cm];


    Method Prototype

    Like directory-related operations, file-related operations need first introduce COSClient .h header file of upload SDK and instantiate COSClient object.

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    appId NSString * Yes Project ID, i.e. APP ID.
    region NSString * Yes The data center region where bucket is created. For example, Shanghai: "sh" and Guangzhou: "gz"


    - (instancetype)initWithAppId:(NSString*)appId  withRegion:(NSString *)region;

    Uploading a File

    Method Prototype

    You can upload local files by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSObjectPutTask;
    2. Call putObject method of COSClient and input COSObjectPutTask object;
    3. Return the result through COSObjectUploadTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    filePath NSString * Yes File path
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    bucket NSString * Yes Target Bucket name
    fileName NSString * Yes The name shown after uploading cos for target files
    attrs NSString * No Custom file attributes
    directory NSString * Yes File upload directory, relative path, for example "/path"
    insertOnly BOOL Yes Upload will insert and overwrite the existing files. But if you set "YES", it will not overwrite the previous upload file

    Returned Result

    Return the result through COSObjectUploadTaskRsp object

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code. If retCode >= 0, the task succeeded; if retCode < 0, the task failed
    descMsg NSString * Task description message
    accessURL NSString * The CDN url of the file returned by the backend when the task succeeded
    sourceURL NSString * The origin server URL of the file returned by the backend when the task succeeded


        COSObjectPutTask *task = [COSObjectPutTask new];
        task.filePath = path;
        task.fileName = fileName;
        task.bucket = bucket;
        task.attrs = @"customAttribute";
        task.directory = dir;
        task.insertOnly = YES;
        task.sign = _sign;
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        client.progressHandler = ^(NSInteger bytesWritten,NSInteger totalBytesWritten,NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite){
        [client putObject:task];

    Updating File Attributes

    Method Prototype

    You can update the custom attributes of the file by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSObjectUpdateCommand;
    2. Call updateObject method of COSClient and input COSObjectUpdateCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSObjectUpdateTaskRsp

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    fileName NSString * Yes
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a directory belongs
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    attrs NSString * No Custom attributes

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through TXYUpdateCommandRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code. If retCode >= 0, the task succeeded; if retCode < 0, the task failed
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSObjectUpdateCommand *cm = [COSObjectUpdateCommand new]
        cm.fileName = file;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.sign = _oneSign;//One-time signature
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client updateObject:cm];

    Querying File Attributes

    Method Prototype

    You can query the file attributes by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSObjectMetaCommand;
    2. Call getObjectInfo method of COSClient and input COSObjectMetaCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSObjectMetaTaskRsp

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    filename NSString * Yes
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of bucket to which a file belongs
    directory NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    sign NSString * Yes Signature

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through TXYStatCommandRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code. If retCode >= 0, the task succeeded; if retCode < 0, the task failed
    descMsg NSString * Task description message
    data NSDictionary * File basic information when the task succeeded


        COSObjectMetaCommand *cm = [COSObjectMetaCommand new] ;
        cm.fileName = file;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.sign = _oneSign;//One-time signature
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
        [client getObjectMetaData:cm];

    Deleting a File

    Method Prototype

    You can delete files by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSObjectDeleteCommand;
    2. Call deleteObject method of COSClient and input COSObjectDeleteCommand object;
    3. Return the result through COSObjectDeleteTaskRsp

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    filename NSString * Yes
    bucket NSString * Yes Name of Bucket to which a file belongs
    directory NSString * Yes Directory path (relative to bucket path)
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    objectType TXYObjectType Yes Content type. Set as TXYObjectFile when deleting files

    Returned Result

    Returned result via COSObjectDeleteTaskRsp

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code. If retCode >= 0, the task succeeded; if retCode < 0, the task failed
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSObjectDeleteCommand *cm = [COSObjectDeleteCommand new];
        cm.fileName = file;
        cm.bucket = bucket;
        cm.directory = dir;
        cm.sign = _oneSign;//One-time signature
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];;
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (resp.retCode == 0) {
            }else{        }
        [client deleteObject:cm];

    Downloading a File

    Method Prototype

    You can download files by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSObjectGetTask;
    2. Call getObjectRequest method of COSClient and input COSObjectGetTask object;
    3. Return the result through COSGetObjectTaskRsp object

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    filePath NSString * Yes File download path

    Returned Result

    Returned result via COSGetObjectTaskRsp object

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code. If retCode >= 0, the task succeeded; if retCode < 0, the task failed
    descMsg NSString * Task description message
    object NSMutableData * The download file


         COSObjectGetTask *cm = [[COSObjectGetTask alloc] initWithUrl:imgUrl.text];
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];
        client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
        client.downloadProgressHandler = ^(int64_t receiveLength,int64_t contentLength){        
        [client getObject:cm];

    Uploading a File in Multipart Mode

    Method Prototype

    You can download files by calling this API. The steps are as follows:

    1. Instantiate COSObjectPutTask;
    2. Call putObject method of COSClient and input COSObjectPutTask object;
    3. Return the result through COSObjectUploadTaskRsp object
    4. When the "multipartUpload" parameter is set to "YES", the file is uploaded via multipart upload. The default is "NO";

    Parameter Description

    Parameter Name Type Required Description
    filePath NSString * Yes File path
    multipartUpload BOOL No Indicate whether to use multipart upload for file upload
    sign NSString * Yes Signature
    bucket NSString * Yes Target Bucket name
    fileName NSString * Target Bucket name The name shown after uploading cos for target files
    attrs NSString * No Custom file attributes
    directory NSString * Yes File upload directory, relative path, for example "/path"
    insertOnly BOOL Yes Upload will insert and overwrite the existing files. But if you set "YES", it will not overwrite the previous upload file

    Returned Result

    The result is returned through COSObjectUploadTaskRsp object.

    Attribute Name Type Description
    retCode int Task description code. If retCode >= 0, the task succeeded; if retCode < 0, the task failed
    descMsg NSString * Task description message


        COSObjectPutTask *task = [[COSObjectPutTask alloc] init];
        task.multipartUpload = YES;//Multipart upload settings parameters
        task.filePath = path;
        task.fileName = fileName;
        task.bucket = bucket;
        task.attrs = @"customAttribute";
        task.directory = dir;
        task.insertOnly = YES;
        task.sign = _sign;
        COSClient *client= [[COSClient alloc] initWithAppId:appId withRegion:[Congfig instance].region];  client.completionHandler = ^(COSTaskRsp *resp, NSDictionary *context){
            if (rsp.retCode == 0) {
            }else{ }
        client.progressHandler = ^(NSInteger bytesWritten,NSInteger totalBytesWritten,NSInteger totalBytesExpectedToWrite){
        [client putObject:task];
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    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

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